Monday, September 30, 2013

The Amazing Race: The Race Begins!!!!

     Its that time of the year again its time for another season of my favorite competition show The Amazing Race!!! So after a very disappointing season of Big Brother this summer full of racist and a winner who I could not care less for , The Amazing Race is the next competition show from CBS that I am looking forward to, hopefully CBS can redeem itself after all that controversy from Big Brother. But anyway TAR is my favorite reality competition show and its the only reality competition show that I would even consider going on, I know for me is not only about that million dollar cash prize but also for the fact that you can travel and see the world on CBS' expense so basically you will get a free trip around the world see all of these amazing places and you just might win a million dollars yeah thats a good deal. I always felt this show would be perfect for me. We kick off this season on a western movie set which is pretty cool as we get introduced to our 11 teams and they are:

Chester and Ephraim- former NFL teammates from Huston, Texas. By the look of these guys they might out run the other racers in a foot race to the finish. I think they might get pretty far that is if they don't screw up by accidentally driving in the wrong direction.

Rowan and Shane- theater performers from North Carolina. The gays guys for this season look like they might be everyone's friends this year. They look like a lot of fun but lets see if they can keep up with the other teams.

Tim and Marie- the exes from New Jersey. Every season you have the exes either divorced or ex boyfriend or girlfriend. They are either here to work on their relationship because TAR is the new couples counseling or they feel like they can tolerate each other long enough to win the million. HELLO you guys are exes for a reason, they will be arguing before this episode is over.

Leo and Jamal- cousins from California. These guys seem like the party boy type that just want to have fun. I think they might slip up during the race either get lost or not read the clue correctly because of their cockiness.

Ally and Ashley- NHL ice crew teammate?? What the hell is that?? is that a real job? Anyway these two blondes feel that they are ambitious enough to will the million but being blonde they might make some mistakes.

Nicole and Travis- married doctors from Georgia. Ah the married couple with kids are most likely here to prove to their kids that they can do anything if they put their mind to it and to also prove to never give up. Yeah they are going to be tons of fun.

Hoskote and Naina- father and daughter from California. The parent/child teams can either get really far or fail horribly. Why? Well because they can support each other really well and get far or they can just bicker and complain at each others faults and get eliminated or be eliminated by an injury mostly from the parent.

Tim and Danny- Co-workers from Oklahoma. I don't know about these two, the race for them can go either way. But I think they might get lost very quickly which will make them fall behind.

Brandon and Adam- Childhood friends from California. These hillbilly mountain men look like they will be up for any challenge and will do just about anything, which is why I think they will go far.

Nicky and Kim- Baseball wives from the midwest. So opposite of the blondes are the brunettes, who can be smarter than the blondes but for some reason I don't think these girls are. I mean at least the blondes have jobs, not a great one, but a job while these girl are just trophy wives for their major league baseball husbands.

Jason and Amy- dating from New England. So rounding up the group is the dating lovey dovey couple. Who are in a serious relationship tester as they will be fighting about things they never fought about before.

        So with all the teams introduced and everyone is pumped and ready to go its time to begin The Amazing Race. So as my favorite host Phil explains to them what they have to do and tell them that the team that gets first in this leg will get not one but two express passes, one for themselves and one for a team of their choosing and they have to give it to that team before the next leg, he then sends them off in their race around the world. As the teams race past Phil and head to one of the Ford cars where they have to make a phone call to receive their first clue. As the first couple of teams enter the car and punch in the number they are told to held to LAX and grab a flight to their first destination of Iquique, Chile but like always there is a limited number of seats on the first flight so teams better make sure they don't get lost one the way there, but for this episode that title belong to team Oklahoma as they stop and ask for directions while the exes are already beginning to argue ugh lets hope they leave early. So the cousins arrive at the airport first grabbing the first seat on the first flight. Afterward, the following teams are on the first flight Team NFL, the Exes, Team Blondes, Team Trophy Wives, The Theater Performers and Team Doctors grab the last seat on the first flight. Leaving the rest of the teams on the second flight and they are the Dating Couple, the mountain men, the father/daughter team, and Team Oklahoma. So as they are waiting for their flight the teams take the time to get to know each other and possibly make some alliances and the first two teams to do that was the Cousins and the Blondes, the cousins felt they girls were eye candy so it was smart to make an alliance with them based solely on that reason good move guys good move.
        So the teams are off and headed toward Chile and when they land they have to travel by taxi to Alto Hospico. And if their cab driver doesn't get lost along the way then teams have to search the area for Zona de Parapentes and from the look of the picture on the sign is they are either parasailing by jumping out of a plane or but just jumping. Once they reach Zona de Parapentes they have to find a man named Javier who will hand them their next clue. While the first set of teams from the first flight land in Chile and head to the taxi stand the second half of teams are just getting on their flight which will be a whole four hours behind the other teams so more than likely one of these teams will be going home. Back in Chile the married couple are the first to reach the Zona and receive their clue.

ROADBLOCK: This roadblock requires one team member to follow their partner who will be on a paraglider headed to a beach in Iquique when team will then be reunite and receive their next clue. From Team Doctor Travis chooses to glide and not too far behind Team NFL chooses Chester to glide and for the rest of the teams well they haven't arrived yet. One thing that I question about this challenge is what if that land in the wrong place then what? Soon after Chester and Travis take off the other teams arrive and gliding for them are Ally(blonde), Rowan(theater), Kim(wives), Leo(cousins), and Tim(exes). While all of our jumpers are pumped and ready to go Kim on the other hand is having a panic attack cause she is afraid of heights. If that was the case then she should have had a partner do the road block. But she sucked it up and jumped because she wanted to be a role model for her son because not having a job and being a trophy wife was not inspiring enough. Back on land it seems Jamal and Ashley let their taxi's go and in a challenge where you have to follow your teammate to a location via taxi its not a good idea to let your taxi go, so after a phone call they head to the road to get their taxi's. At la playa Travis and Chester finally reach land but their teammates are no where to be found since their taxi's dropped them off far from where they had to be. Which let the theater boys pass them as Rowan lands and his teammate is right their putting them in first place and off to the next location. The theater performers has to head to Muelle Prat and look for their next clue. As they leave NFL and the doctors are not far behind as they leave the beach also. Now its almost hard to forget that there is a whole other set of teams who still have to do all of these challenges and the second wave of contestants land in Chile they have some serious catching up to do. Back to the first half even though they left after the performers the doctors still mange to beat them to Muelle Prat and grab the next clue which is also a roadblock.

ROADBLOCK #2: Teams now have to grab a rowboat and search in Iquique harbor for one of three specific fishing boats and pick up 5 fish and with the fish in hand the teams would have to hand the fish over to the fish manager who will hand them their next clue. I have never used fish so much in one sentence in my entire life. So Travis once again chooses to do the task which is confusing for me cause I always thought the other teammate has to do the other roadblock maybe I missed something. Well it turns out I did miss something so who ever did the first roadblock has to do this one as well wow that sucks. Back at Muelle Prat the cousins and which makes me wonder did the performers and team NFL get lost somewhere cause they were the first ones to leave that beach before the cousins. But anyway the rest of the first flight teams arrive including the performers and team NFL  but as they are coming in the doctors are heading out as Travis finds one of the fishing boats gets all five fish and his team heads off to the next location. Now team doctors have to make their way ON FOOT to Teatro Municipal de Iquique which is the pit stop for this leg and the first team will get the express pass and an extra on for any team of their choosing and the last team will be eliminated. So the first mistake of the race by the doctors was they did not read the clue properly and took a taxi to the pit stop instead of walking making them take a 30 minute penalty costing them first place. Then next mistake of the race came from the party boy cousins who also didn't read the clue for the harbor challenge about the person who glided has to do the roadblock as well so they had to switch making them fall behind. In first place you have the Exes, Marie and Tim, do to the fact that the doctors got a 30 minute penalty they claim the express passes. Now lets see who they give it too.

2nd: The Doctors, Nicole and Travis
3rd: Theater Performers, Rowan and Shane
4th: Team NFL, Chester and Ephraim
5th: Trophy Wives, Nicky and Kim
6th: The Blondes Ally and Ashley
7th: The Party Animals, Leo and Jamal
8th: The Dating Couple, Amy and Jason
9th: Team Oklahoma, Danny and Tim
10th: The Mountain Boys, Brandon and Adam
And the eliminated contestant is the father/daughter team Hoskote and Naina due to the fact that Naina also didn't read the clue and had to get out of the boat and switch with her father. Ugh READ THE CLUE PEOPLE!!!!!!!

     But yeah that raps up this episode of TAR. This was a good start to the season all the teams look good and ready to go. I already have people who I don't like party boys and the exes as for the people I am rooting for well that is not decided yet I have to wait and see. But one thing I will say that did annoy me about this episode is that darn 60 minutes running over ugh it annoys me so much!!!! And the bad part is its going to be a reoccurring theme throughout this season. So what did you guys think of this? Good start after the craziness of Big Brother? Any favorites yet? Least favorites?  Moral lesson in this episode read the god damn clue!!!! Bye guys    

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