Monday, September 30, 2013

The Amazing Race: The Race Begins!!!!

     Its that time of the year again its time for another season of my favorite competition show The Amazing Race!!! So after a very disappointing season of Big Brother this summer full of racist and a winner who I could not care less for , The Amazing Race is the next competition show from CBS that I am looking forward to, hopefully CBS can redeem itself after all that controversy from Big Brother. But anyway TAR is my favorite reality competition show and its the only reality competition show that I would even consider going on, I know for me is not only about that million dollar cash prize but also for the fact that you can travel and see the world on CBS' expense so basically you will get a free trip around the world see all of these amazing places and you just might win a million dollars yeah thats a good deal. I always felt this show would be perfect for me. We kick off this season on a western movie set which is pretty cool as we get introduced to our 11 teams and they are:

Chester and Ephraim- former NFL teammates from Huston, Texas. By the look of these guys they might out run the other racers in a foot race to the finish. I think they might get pretty far that is if they don't screw up by accidentally driving in the wrong direction.

Rowan and Shane- theater performers from North Carolina. The gays guys for this season look like they might be everyone's friends this year. They look like a lot of fun but lets see if they can keep up with the other teams.

Tim and Marie- the exes from New Jersey. Every season you have the exes either divorced or ex boyfriend or girlfriend. They are either here to work on their relationship because TAR is the new couples counseling or they feel like they can tolerate each other long enough to win the million. HELLO you guys are exes for a reason, they will be arguing before this episode is over.

Leo and Jamal- cousins from California. These guys seem like the party boy type that just want to have fun. I think they might slip up during the race either get lost or not read the clue correctly because of their cockiness.

Ally and Ashley- NHL ice crew teammate?? What the hell is that?? is that a real job? Anyway these two blondes feel that they are ambitious enough to will the million but being blonde they might make some mistakes.

Nicole and Travis- married doctors from Georgia. Ah the married couple with kids are most likely here to prove to their kids that they can do anything if they put their mind to it and to also prove to never give up. Yeah they are going to be tons of fun.

Hoskote and Naina- father and daughter from California. The parent/child teams can either get really far or fail horribly. Why? Well because they can support each other really well and get far or they can just bicker and complain at each others faults and get eliminated or be eliminated by an injury mostly from the parent.

Tim and Danny- Co-workers from Oklahoma. I don't know about these two, the race for them can go either way. But I think they might get lost very quickly which will make them fall behind.

Brandon and Adam- Childhood friends from California. These hillbilly mountain men look like they will be up for any challenge and will do just about anything, which is why I think they will go far.

Nicky and Kim- Baseball wives from the midwest. So opposite of the blondes are the brunettes, who can be smarter than the blondes but for some reason I don't think these girls are. I mean at least the blondes have jobs, not a great one, but a job while these girl are just trophy wives for their major league baseball husbands.

Jason and Amy- dating from New England. So rounding up the group is the dating lovey dovey couple. Who are in a serious relationship tester as they will be fighting about things they never fought about before.

        So with all the teams introduced and everyone is pumped and ready to go its time to begin The Amazing Race. So as my favorite host Phil explains to them what they have to do and tell them that the team that gets first in this leg will get not one but two express passes, one for themselves and one for a team of their choosing and they have to give it to that team before the next leg, he then sends them off in their race around the world. As the teams race past Phil and head to one of the Ford cars where they have to make a phone call to receive their first clue. As the first couple of teams enter the car and punch in the number they are told to held to LAX and grab a flight to their first destination of Iquique, Chile but like always there is a limited number of seats on the first flight so teams better make sure they don't get lost one the way there, but for this episode that title belong to team Oklahoma as they stop and ask for directions while the exes are already beginning to argue ugh lets hope they leave early. So the cousins arrive at the airport first grabbing the first seat on the first flight. Afterward, the following teams are on the first flight Team NFL, the Exes, Team Blondes, Team Trophy Wives, The Theater Performers and Team Doctors grab the last seat on the first flight. Leaving the rest of the teams on the second flight and they are the Dating Couple, the mountain men, the father/daughter team, and Team Oklahoma. So as they are waiting for their flight the teams take the time to get to know each other and possibly make some alliances and the first two teams to do that was the Cousins and the Blondes, the cousins felt they girls were eye candy so it was smart to make an alliance with them based solely on that reason good move guys good move.
        So the teams are off and headed toward Chile and when they land they have to travel by taxi to Alto Hospico. And if their cab driver doesn't get lost along the way then teams have to search the area for Zona de Parapentes and from the look of the picture on the sign is they are either parasailing by jumping out of a plane or but just jumping. Once they reach Zona de Parapentes they have to find a man named Javier who will hand them their next clue. While the first set of teams from the first flight land in Chile and head to the taxi stand the second half of teams are just getting on their flight which will be a whole four hours behind the other teams so more than likely one of these teams will be going home. Back in Chile the married couple are the first to reach the Zona and receive their clue.

ROADBLOCK: This roadblock requires one team member to follow their partner who will be on a paraglider headed to a beach in Iquique when team will then be reunite and receive their next clue. From Team Doctor Travis chooses to glide and not too far behind Team NFL chooses Chester to glide and for the rest of the teams well they haven't arrived yet. One thing that I question about this challenge is what if that land in the wrong place then what? Soon after Chester and Travis take off the other teams arrive and gliding for them are Ally(blonde), Rowan(theater), Kim(wives), Leo(cousins), and Tim(exes). While all of our jumpers are pumped and ready to go Kim on the other hand is having a panic attack cause she is afraid of heights. If that was the case then she should have had a partner do the road block. But she sucked it up and jumped because she wanted to be a role model for her son because not having a job and being a trophy wife was not inspiring enough. Back on land it seems Jamal and Ashley let their taxi's go and in a challenge where you have to follow your teammate to a location via taxi its not a good idea to let your taxi go, so after a phone call they head to the road to get their taxi's. At la playa Travis and Chester finally reach land but their teammates are no where to be found since their taxi's dropped them off far from where they had to be. Which let the theater boys pass them as Rowan lands and his teammate is right their putting them in first place and off to the next location. The theater performers has to head to Muelle Prat and look for their next clue. As they leave NFL and the doctors are not far behind as they leave the beach also. Now its almost hard to forget that there is a whole other set of teams who still have to do all of these challenges and the second wave of contestants land in Chile they have some serious catching up to do. Back to the first half even though they left after the performers the doctors still mange to beat them to Muelle Prat and grab the next clue which is also a roadblock.

ROADBLOCK #2: Teams now have to grab a rowboat and search in Iquique harbor for one of three specific fishing boats and pick up 5 fish and with the fish in hand the teams would have to hand the fish over to the fish manager who will hand them their next clue. I have never used fish so much in one sentence in my entire life. So Travis once again chooses to do the task which is confusing for me cause I always thought the other teammate has to do the other roadblock maybe I missed something. Well it turns out I did miss something so who ever did the first roadblock has to do this one as well wow that sucks. Back at Muelle Prat the cousins and which makes me wonder did the performers and team NFL get lost somewhere cause they were the first ones to leave that beach before the cousins. But anyway the rest of the first flight teams arrive including the performers and team NFL  but as they are coming in the doctors are heading out as Travis finds one of the fishing boats gets all five fish and his team heads off to the next location. Now team doctors have to make their way ON FOOT to Teatro Municipal de Iquique which is the pit stop for this leg and the first team will get the express pass and an extra on for any team of their choosing and the last team will be eliminated. So the first mistake of the race by the doctors was they did not read the clue properly and took a taxi to the pit stop instead of walking making them take a 30 minute penalty costing them first place. Then next mistake of the race came from the party boy cousins who also didn't read the clue for the harbor challenge about the person who glided has to do the roadblock as well so they had to switch making them fall behind. In first place you have the Exes, Marie and Tim, do to the fact that the doctors got a 30 minute penalty they claim the express passes. Now lets see who they give it too.

2nd: The Doctors, Nicole and Travis
3rd: Theater Performers, Rowan and Shane
4th: Team NFL, Chester and Ephraim
5th: Trophy Wives, Nicky and Kim
6th: The Blondes Ally and Ashley
7th: The Party Animals, Leo and Jamal
8th: The Dating Couple, Amy and Jason
9th: Team Oklahoma, Danny and Tim
10th: The Mountain Boys, Brandon and Adam
And the eliminated contestant is the father/daughter team Hoskote and Naina due to the fact that Naina also didn't read the clue and had to get out of the boat and switch with her father. Ugh READ THE CLUE PEOPLE!!!!!!!

     But yeah that raps up this episode of TAR. This was a good start to the season all the teams look good and ready to go. I already have people who I don't like party boys and the exes as for the people I am rooting for well that is not decided yet I have to wait and see. But one thing I will say that did annoy me about this episode is that darn 60 minutes running over ugh it annoys me so much!!!! And the bad part is its going to be a reoccurring theme throughout this season. So what did you guys think of this? Good start after the craziness of Big Brother? Any favorites yet? Least favorites?  Moral lesson in this episode read the god damn clue!!!! Bye guys    

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Castle Recap:Valkyrie Episode

        So Castle begins right where it left off with Castle asking Beckett to marry him. Like OMG I am all for a Caskett wedding but if he is only doing this just so she can stay in NY with him and not take the job in DC then I will be seriously mad. But it turns out he wasn't proposing for that reason cause he really just wanted to be with her whether she got the job or not. Well brace yourself Castle because Kate got to job in DC and she is taking it. This is going to be an interesting test on their relationship now as future husband and wife because Kate said YES to his proposal OMG so excited Casket wedding coming to a t.v. near you. We now jump to two months later in DC watching Kate on a case when suddenly she gets SHOT!!!! This is not happening I mean seriously writers???? But thankfully she is not dead because it was just a training exercise. Thank God because I was about to write a nasty letter to the writers. Back in NY, Castle is returning back from a book tour and there is a big surprise waiting for him. The good news was Alexis was back from Costa Rica a week early the bad news she brought her new hippie boyfriend. I wonder where he is going to be sleeping? Back in DC Kate is excited to finally get a couple of days off to spend with Castle but that excitement is short lived because she just snagged her first real case, sorry Castle guess you have to wait a little long to see Kate. But Castle was not going to wait that long as he makes a surprise visit to see her in DC. But even though Beckett was happy that Castle was there she laid down the law with him by telling him that she can't discuss the case that she is on with him because now her cases are considered to be confidential.
       But before she could leave with her new partner its Cuddy from House but now she is known as agent McCord Kate accidentally drops the classified folder but she doesn't seem to pick up all the photos leaving one behind for Castle to find and with Castle being Castle he investigates. With help from Ryan and Esposito, Castle gets further in the case than Beckett and McCord beating them to the golf course where the thieves made their escape. After Beckett yells at Castle for looking at her classified photo, well Kate that was kinda your fault you should have made sure you picked up all the photos before you left, Castle then tells her all the info that he gathered. Apparently there was a guy in a gold sedan staking out the place just a couple of days ago. Kate has to admit Castle is good at putting pieces together but Castle promised to do no more investigating and you know what he kept his word and since McCord didn't blab about Castle, Kate gets to keep her job. The girls then check out the security footage of the man staking out the golf course turn out the guys name is Jack Bronson a retired Marine soldier. So as the girls head over to his place to arrest his well it turns out he isn't there nope cause he is busy kidnapping Castle at gun point. So as crazy Jack is holding Castle hostage in his car he kept ranting something about Valkyrie and going to "Dream World" whatever that means then he actually goes off to dream world and crashes the car leaving him dead and leaving Castle in trouble with the feds.
         So it seems Castle got some explaining to do with the feds as they begin to grill him to find out what he knows. So after a funny interrogation scene the Feds then can't find any info on Valkyrie but they do find the name of Jack's girlfriend Jeanette Miller now its time to find her. Castle is now back in NY because he just causes too much trouble in DC. Alexis' new boyfriend is very weird making fake steaks out of fruit but he does offer some pretty good advice that Castle should talk to someone about his problems. So its off to police headquarters to talk to his two favorite boys Ryan and Esposito and Esposito tells Castle about Dream World which apparently is a secret military "ghost" base. Back in DC the feds catch Jeanette and question her about Valkyrie but she claims that someone was setting Jack up to have him talk the fall for everything. So Beckett dug a little further and found some more interesting developments with this case in regards to the break in. Castle on the other hand was looking up the ghost base on the internet and claims that he won't get caught until the Feds go to Castle's home and take him back to DC. Uh Oh Turns out the thieves took something else from a lab in the building, a chemical agent the lab techs were working on. The thieves apparently put the toxin in the air vents of Jacks car which is what killed him and since Castle was also in the car the toxin was now in his blood stream and he has less than a day to live. Like OMG are you freaking serious!!!!!!!!! I guess I will be writing that letter to the writers.
       Overall I thought this episode was really good for a season opener but I felt it was really lacking the Esposito and Ryan factor. I really love Ryan and Esposito they add this fun broish partner aspect against Castle and Beckett's romantic partnership. But really a to be continued episode on the season opener???? What's up with that don't you think we were left in suspense for long enough all summer to here if Kate said yes to his proposal or not???? Now they give us an open ending on the season opener I mean we only have to wait a week but still it was so not necessary!!!!

Total Drama Ep 3 Recap: Saving Private Leechball

       Ok so before I begin this recap I want to make a note that I hate the fact that they shortened the intro theme song because I liked singing the song in the beginning. But anyway time for the recap of last weeks Total Drama I know its late but hey school kept me busy. So we begin our episode as we watch our campers get ready for bed. While the villains are remembering what its like to live in the cabins and the heros are sleeping in the lap of luxury in the McClean Hotel. Sierra is busy tucking in digi Cody under the covers while she sleeps on the other end like a dog. On the boys side while Cameron and Mike are living the dream, Sam is living in hell on boney island trying to survive the night. Back at the hotel while Cameron is sound asleep, Mike's evil personality comes out and breaks Sam's video game console, Sam is not going to be too happy about that when he finds out. It seem evil Mike has an agenda when it comes to getting rid of his other teammates what that is exactly well we just have to find out as the series goes on. Morning time on the island and as Courtney argues with the butler the rest of the heros sneak some food from breakfast in their shirt and pants pockets, I wonder what they are up too. Challenge time as Chris summons the campers to the forest. On the way there Jo and Heather are both trying to get Gwen on their side because in their mind where ever Gwen goes Duncan will follow and even Alejandro is trying to rope in Gwen mostly to try and get Heather back. Before the challenge begins Sam returns from Boney Island beaten, bruised and defeated. The other heros go to him to see if he is alright and give him the food that they took from breakfast that is everyone except Courtney it seems she didn't get the memo about giving Sam food.
        The Challenge: Its a twist on the War movie challenge from season two of Total Drama Action where the teams have to first race to one of two crates with one containing state of the art machines and the other containing sling shots. After the teams get a box they then have to knock out the competition making sure they get all of the member of the other team to win the challenge first team to six points wins. The Catch: Well the artillery they will be using won't be paintball since Chris is banned from using them so instead they will be using Leeches to shoot at the other team. Good Luck guys. Since the Heros won the last challenge they get a minute head start in the race toward the crates but that was not enough to beat the villains as during the race as the heroes went one way and the villains went another it seems the villain went through a short cut that made them reach the crates first as the villains snag the bigger crate containing the machine guns while the heroes had to grab the little crate with the sling shots. But on the way to the crates it seems Cameron and Sierra were bonding a little too much, Cameron should steer clear from Sierra cause is is known to get too obsessed with guys she hangs with I mean she named the leeches after Cody for christ sakes.
        So the challenge begins and the Heros go into strategy mode while the villains go into argue mode. And just like I said as Sierra and Cameron continue to bind Sierra has just totally lost it as she begins to imagine that Cameron looks like Cody. The heros then spot a cave and decide to leave Sam there because he is just too beaten to help with this challenge while the rest of the heroes hunt for the villains except for Courtney who stood behind to protect Sam in case a villain enters the cave and she felt bad that she didn't bring him food. Mike then begins to have a personality crisis as he starts to notice that his other personalities aren't coming out anymore cause evil Mike has taken over his brain, this guy have better get a cool name soon. The Villains on the other hand are busy pushing a canon around making them easy targets for the Heroes as as they being to argue about who should go with Gwen, Alejandro then gets hit making the score 1-0 for the Heroes. Then Jo does the stupidest thing ever she fires the canon but instead of hitting the other team she winds up hitting Scott in a pretty funny shot I have to admit but it brought the score to 2-0 for the heroes because according to Chris friendly fire counts then Mike hits Heather leaving only Jo, Gwen, and Duncan. It seems like the sling shot was the better choice of weapon for this challenge making it easier to move around in the forest.
         So while Gwen and Duncan hunt for heros, Duncan does a pretty sweet thing for his girl Gwen. As he spots Cameron aiming his target at Gwen, Duncan then jumps in front of Gwen so he can get hit and not her. Awwww and then Gwen totally retaliated by shooting Leaches back at Cameron making the score 4-2 cause Sierra hit herself by accident. While Gwen and Duncan have a moment Mike then hits Gwen making the score 5-2 leaving only Jo left to win it for her team. Jo then arrives at the cave where Sam and Courtney are in and as Jo closes in on Sam Courtney tries her luck at taking aim at Jo but fails. Jo then turns her attention to Courtney and to save herself from the leeches she uses Sam as a human shield, bad Courtney. Zoey now also in the cave takes aim at Jo and also misses also cause Jo dodged the attack but is unable to return fire because her machine is jammed so she decides to throw the leeches at Zoe. But in a very impressive move by Zoey she goes all Matrix style and dodges the attack, then she grabs a leech, shoots it back at Jo and then wins the challenge for the heroes that was pretty hardcore Zoey.
      Elimination Time: The villains are back on the chopping block but before the ceremony can begin Chris needs a volunteer from the heroes to be exiled on boney island. Cameron then offer to go since he has been noticing that Sierra keeps thinking that he is Cody good move Cameron cause that chick is crazy. Safe: Duncan, Gwen, Scott, and Alejandro. Bottom Two: Heather and Jo because they are annoying but Jo mostly because she hit her own teammate and because of that she was the one to be sent home. But before she can leave Chris did a little reshuffling of the teams based on their performance during the challenge putting Courtney on the Villains team and Duncan on the Heroes team. And even though I truly feel that Courtney should have been on the villains team from the start but Duncan really???!!! Sure he might have jumped in front of Gwen to save her from the leeches be he is far from being a hero and now that Courtney is on the villain side I know for a fact she is going to make Gwen's time on the Island a living Hell sorry Gwen. So what do you guys think was it the right decision to send Duncan to the good side? Will Mike's evil personality ever be discovered? And will Gwen survive her new teammate? Find out next time on my recap of Total Drama All-Stars!!!! Bye

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dancing With the Stars Recap

        Ok so I know this recap is almost a week late but hey school kept me busy and that comes first in my eyes but anyway.We are live (but for me prerecorded) from the dance floor and two things are on my mind going into this episode the first thing how is this elimination going to go down? Will they do it at the start of the show or at the end after the dances are all finished? It would make more sense if they do it at the start of the show that way the eliminated team leaves and the rest do their dances they were scheduled to do that way we aren't voting for an eliminated team. And the other thing on mind mind well thats Brooke I want to know where they are going to put her next in the episode. Well from the look of it the elimination will be happening after all the dances. So lets get to the dances shall we. Will the judges please reveal their scores.

Elizabeth and Val- Dancing the samba. I thought their dance was pretty good and I really liked her dress and Val's shirt was missing some buttons again lol. But the dance with the song went very well nice fluidity.  Praise all around from the judge and rightfully so. Overall Score: 25/30 Total: 49/60

Before the next dance we have Brooke it looks like Brooke is going to everywhere around the ballroom like last week doing random interviews from the contestants.

Christina and Mark- Dancing the Pasadoble. This dance was actually really good despite my feeling toward Mark I always feel his dances are just too crazy sometimes. It was very dark and edgy and I loved it. Bruno thought Christina missed a step and Christina just had to Bruno in his place and shut him up you go girl you tell him but other than that the judges liked the dance. Overall Score: 25/30 Total: 47/60

Bill E. and Emma- Dancing the Jive. So last week Bill felt that the judges were a little two sided when it came to their scores and the comments they made and looking at the clip I have to agree. I mean how are you going to praise someone on their dance and then give them three 6's??? I thought their jive was really fun and upbeat and with their yellow color comb it really brought it to life. The judges loved it as well but lets see if the scores this week lived up to the praise. Three 7's?? ugh at least give them an 8 one is enough. Overall Score: 21/30 Total: 39/60

Jack and Cheryl- Dancing the Rumba. I thought this dance was so beautiful and sensual. We had a very low lit ballroom with some smoke effect which was perfect for the dance. I am very surprised Jack is doing this well he might go pretty far in the competition. Overall Score: 24/30 Total: 47/60

Keyshawn and Sharma- Dancing the Samba. I still felt he was a little stiff but not as stiff as last week. I feel like this guy doesn't really care about the dancing as much like he is not really into it. I did like Sharma's outfit though with that pop of that print underneath so thats a plus right? Overall Score: 18/30 Total: 35/60

Snicole and Sasha- Dancing the Rumba. It was ok, it wasn't as good as last week it, it wasn't sold for me as far as the romantic quality factor and it wasn't very fluid in it movement. But what was up with her outfit it looked like a bathing suit with a cloth wrapped around it. Overall Score: 20/30 Total: 35/60

Leah and Tony- Dancing the Samba. It was very good but I don't know if it was just me but she kinda looked like JLo with the way her hair was styled. But I loved every minute of her dance and so did the judges. Overall Score: 24/30 Total: 35/60

Bill Nye and Thyne- So apparently Bill was a big hit last week with his numerous fans I mean hello its Bill freaking Nye anyone who is everyone has seen this show in their science class at least once. So our favorite scientist was dancing the pasadoble. But before the dance started Tom introduced us to some people from MENSA who was in the audience cheering for Bill. Bill was awesome in this dance he looked like Mozart crazy hair and everything and it went well with his performance I love this guys wacky sense of humor. Very fierce Bill you took all those negative comments from last week and shoved it right back in the judges faces. Overall Score: 17/30 Total: 31/60

Corbin and Karina- Dancing the Jive. Corbin went back to his High School Musical days and was even wearing a baseball uniform that look like the one he wore on High School Musical and Karina looked like Brittany Spears from her Hit Me Baby One More Time music video. In the beginning of the dance Corbin jumped on top of the judges table in a rebellious way which was awesome. The dance itself had a lot of energy and it was very fun to watch. Overall Score: 26/30 Total: 60/50

Valerie and Tristan- Dancing the Pasadoble. First off major props for Valerie for doing this very hardcore dance despite her knee hurting her. The ballroom was lit with this red hue with red flowers on the floor which was a nice touch. It was good despite everything. Overall Score: 19/30 Total: 40/60

Brant and Pita- Dancing the Rumba. That was one hot and steamy dance and in the middle of it Pita took off Brants jacket cause it was just that hot. But Pita's lacy undergarment looked kinda see through to me. Overall Score: 25/30. Total 45/60

Amber and Derek- Dancing the Jive. With Derek coming off his Emmy win and Amber coming off the three 9's from last week these to better not get cocky this week. It was ok I guess I kinda wasn't paying attention because I was too distracted by Amber's makeup and the expressions she kept making with her face. And that pink lipstick has got to go!! Overall Score: 24/30 Total: 51/60

Elimination Time: Brooke is back in the ballroom with Tom after being everywhere else throughout the show. But anyway time to seen who leaves our glittery ballroom.

Safe: Corbin and Karina, Leah and Tony, Bill Nye and Thyne, Christina and Mark, Amber and Derek, Valerie and Tristan, Snicole and Sasha, Jack and Cheryl, Brant and Pita, and Elizabeth and Val

Bottom Two: Keyshawn and Shawna and Bill and Emma with Keyshawn and Shawna getting the boot and rightfully so he kinda wasn't into it as past football players were.

This episode overall was good and a lot of the dances this week were up to par. Also I really love the new elimination process getting it all done in one shot, I really hated it before where they would announce some people safe and then go to commercial and then when they came back some people would do some dance or someone would perform a song the elimination show I felt was always dragged out. But this new process is quick and straight to the point. Well that is it for now and I promise next week's recap won't be this late.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Blacklist Recap and First Impressions

        Hey guys Wicked3691 here to recap The Blacklist the new show from NBC. The show stars James Spader best known for his role on the legal show Boston Legal and The Practice and also starring Megan Boone but I have no clue where she is from though. Anyway lets look at the episode shall we. So the show starts off with a man named Raymond "Red" Reddington aka Red for short as he oh so casually strolls into FBI headquarters now for anyone else this situation will be ok but for Red its a big issue. It turns out Red is on the FBI's top ten most wanted list so for him its not wise to be walking into  FBI headquarters and turning yourself into the Feds. But like most criminals he has to have any ulterior motive for heading in there. After the whole arrest FBI black ops arrive probably to make sure this guy is really in custody cause its not everyday criminals turn themselves in. So apparently Red is your whole good guy gone bad, he was in the military on very good standing until one day he leaves his  wife and child and then turns up years later he resurfaces giving away military secrets so yeah he has done it all. So after being quiet for about an hour or so, Red finally speaks and he talks about some major events that happened around the world is caused by one man Ranko Zamani. Apparently Red wants him and so does the FBI but according to FBI files the man is dead but according to Red he is alive. Decisions, decisions who to believe???? Tough one but point 1 for our criminal as FBI confirms that Zamani is in fact alive. Who would have guessed it oh right Red did good job Red. But the question remains what exactly does Red want with him? Reds terms he will only help the FBI if he can work with Elizabeth Keen.
           Who is Elizabeth Keen you ask? Well at the moment she is a nobody. She is just your average everyday newbie FBI criminal profiler ready to start her first day on the job, she has a husband, a dog, and is looking to adopt a baby it seems like this girl has everything going for her. Until her world comes crashing down when a criminal mentions her name in an interrogation oops sorry Lizzy it seems the happy life is over. So the FBI cues Lizzy to what is going on, and seriously my impression of this girl is the goody goody who praises her entire life and brags about everything it makes me wonder why in the hell will this girl choose to be a FBI agent? She would have been better off as a teacher. And from the way her possible new partner looks at her he might just be getting a crush on her as the series goes on. So afterwards Lizzy and her possible new crush guy idk about his name arrived at the "black site" aka the "post office" which honestly they couldn't have come up with a better name I mean its the FBI of christ sakes but anyway they arrive to talk to Red to find out whats up and why exactly he wants to work with her. It turns out this guy knows a lot about her I mean the stalker type is kinda creepy, he know she changed her hair color, he knew that she wants to adopt, that she like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain he  probably cheated or something and looked at her FB page or something and he also spilled the beans about her father being a criminal. Oh and apparently the Zamani guy plans to kidnap a generals daughter for reasons unknown so yeah time to get to work.
          The FBI then picks up the little girl from ballet class to take her to a safe location. So after driving around for a while they suddenly get stopped by a road block apparently there was a chemical spill so the man in the hazzmat suit was having them turn around. Now if this FBI team was smart then they would have realized that this was a setup I mean I even knew it was going to be a setup but no these guys for some reason did not see it coming. So you will never guess what happened next they got ambushed who would have thought it. The truck from a couple of cars down the line came out full speed and slammed into the car with Lizzy and the little girl and after that it was gun fire all around. Everything was happening so fast that the Feds couldn't act fast enough and Lizzy well she had the brightest idea of the bunch. It seemed to her that in order to save the little girl why not just hand her over to the bad guys good thinking Lizzy I would have never thought of that but that is why your the FBI agent and I'm not. But come on there were so many other ways she could have handled that situation that didn't involve handing over the kid to the bad guys. So just to recap the bad guys have the little girl and Lizzy is an idiot thats two points for the criminals and zero points for the FBI its not looking good for the FBI at this point. So now we turn our attention back to Red the master criminal who seems to know everything, and is apparently the only person that can help at this point. Then something cute happens Red and Lizzy share a little show and tell as Red ask Lizzy about the scar on her hand and despite everything that has happened she tells him awww a little father, daughter bonding how sweet. Red also tells her that in order to catch a crook you have to think like a crook, Hello Criminal Minds anyone??? After looking at some photos and talking about some stuffit eventually the FBI to the chemist who is making a bomb and the Zamani is just after a little revenge thats all, then Red makes another deal with the FBI he will give then the name of a man that he know to help them find the chemist if he can stay in the fanciest hotel in town.
          So now Red is living in the lap of luxury while the FBI goes and gets the chemist, while Lizzy heads home for a little R&R. But that wasn't happening for her because instead she got her husband being held hostage in a chair by Zamani apparently the guy is pissed that the FBI knew of his plan to kidnap the little girl and this man wants answers and he will stab her husband a million times in order to get it. And honestly Lizzy's acting in the scene was not working for me her fear and tears were not believable in my book. So the after math of this whole scene well her husband is in critical condition, Lizzy is pissed off, and Red yeah Red doesn't seem to care one bit the only thing he seems to care about is what Zamani said to her and you know what Lizzy did she took the pen and stabbed Red in the neck because she is just that angry!!! So after a couple of days of sobbing Lizzy decides she has to talk to Red, who is now in the hospital, because talking to him in the past worked out so well for her. But she might have to wait to to talk to him for awhile because Red escaped for a meeting with Zamani. So now it becomes this "chase" as the FBI try to track down Red which Red doesn't seem too worried about because he is just strolling. This has got to be the worst cop chase ever because as agent what his name is chasing after Red and Red is walking and the agent for some reason can't seem to catch up to him I seriously don't understand that but it turns out it wasn't Red he was chasing but Zamani. Red was busy talking to Lizzy still asking her what she heard and saw while her husband was being stabbed to death and it seems Lizzy did remember something that Zamani was wearing a tattoo from the zoo. So we are off to the zoo and the good news was we find the girl, the bad news is that she had a bomb strapped to her that is going to blow up in 3 minutes but lucky for Lizzy Red knows a guy who can help defuse the bomb. So as Reds guy begins to defuse the bomb he accidentally cut the wrong wire which speeds up the timer for the bomb uh oh thing don't look too good but thankfully he cuts the right wire just before it can go off so the little girl is safe, Zamani is dead and everyone is happy right? Wrong... When Lizzy returns home after failed attempts to remove the blood stain she decides to cut it off but hidden under the rug was a secret compartment with a nice stash of fake passports and a ton of money what the hell was her husband into?? Oh and Red while back in police custody explains that there is a "Blacklist" of name of a ton of bad guys and he will give him the name on the list if he can continue to work with Lizzy.
        Ok so my first impression of the show was that it was just ok I guess for me there are so many cop shows out there that this one brings nothing new to the table. I kinda reminds me of White Collar with the whole plot line of the criminal helping the FBI but I think White Collar is ten times better mostly because of Matt Bomer. But with this show I feel the plot is just too obvious I mean hello you are not going to sit here and tell me that these two aren't father and daughter??? I mean it just seems so obvious her father is a criminal and he is a criminal who just seems to know everything about her life??? Yeah their related. And what is up with her husband my guess is he is either a criminal also if that was the case then Lizzy life just got more complicated father was a criminal and now her husband is a criminal a little awkward or he is just a CIA agent or something because if anyone has seen Covert Affairs and think back to Annie's stash of passports and money then yeah he could be CIA. But overall I give this show 3/5 stars, I know not to judge the show solely on the pilot episode so I will give is a couple of episodes to really get into the grove of things maybe get more plot twist aside from the fact that the girl is working with her criminal father.  

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Total Drama Recap Episode 2: Evil Dread

        Time for another recap of Total Drama: All Stars. The episode begins in the loser cabin where it looks like Mike is having an identity crisis as he jumps from one personality to another. Meanwhile in the bed across the room Sam is getting the blood drained out of him by a mosquito so he already is not having a good day. In the girls cabin a whole lot of crazy is happening mostly because Sierra is still on the team, she is busy bothering the other girls mostly Courtney by blogging about everything she does and still obsessing over Cody.Soon after chef comes in with room service, some weird goo that get splattered in the cabin and while Courtney gets annoyed, Sierra gets on the floor and starts eating hum maybe the goo looked like Cody or something.
        Switching to the other side of things at Spa Hotel, the villains are being pampered, getting served a five star breakfast to them in a huge dining hall by their own personal butler. And it seems like everyone is enjoying it that is everyone except Gwen who is still sulking over the fact that she is considered a villain or the fact that Courtney is still mad at her for kissing Duncan. Ugh FYI Gwen GET OVER IT!!!!!! Seriously all her sulking is making me not like her and I don't want to not like her she is my favorite character. Then Jo comes in the dining hall and starts campaigning to get Lightning voted off next, it seems someone is going back on her agreement ha I knew that pact wouldn't last and by the second episode no less. In another part of the hotel Heather is busy yelling at Alejandro and Alejandro is busy manscaping himself by getting a massage and his eyebrows waxed. But with the way Alejandro looks I suspect he manscapes everyday and since he is out of that robot suit I know he will manscape everyday as long as his team keeps winning. Also Alejandro's legs seem to still be asleep but if this is a ploy to get Heather back then I am all for it I love these two together. Side Note: I am pretty shocked by that hotel its actually something worthy of a prize considering this is something coming from Chris who doesn't care how his contestants end up. End Side Note. Meanwhile on Boney Island Lightning is busy fighting a bird for a fish he caught so he can have food this morning. Lightning always prides himself on arrogance and feels he is better than everybody but boy is he stupid and you will see what I mean by that later.

Challenge Time: The teams then join Chris on the beach for their next challenge and on the villains side Gwen is busy giving Duncan the cold shoulder(seriously her attitude better change soon) while on the heroes side Sam is looking a little pale it looks like he won't be helping out as much with this challenge. And if his team doesn't will I guarantee he will be going home. Oh and Lightning is back from Boney Island minus and invincibility statue so there is still one up for grabs. The Challenge today is on the beach the TD interns buried 3-D pieces in the sand, 7 pieces per team. The teams have to find the pieces and then recreate the sculpture which represents one of the places visited during the World Tour season. The Catch: The platform that they are on where they have to recreate the sculpture at is surrounded by a moat filled with a bunch of crabs and the sand that has the pieces is filled with booby traps. Well lucky for the villains at least since they won the last challenge they had the honor of digging for their pieces with shovels and the heroes well they just have to use their hands. So let the challenge begin.
        The teams then begin to strategies on how they will search for the 3-D pieces and on the hero team everything is all peace, love, and flower power because they are just agreeing on everything and are just so nice to each other and yes while that does make for a great team it can also get a little annoying and even Courtney agrees with me. Thats why I know deep down Courtney was meant to be on team villains because this girl is ruthless and it makes more sense for her to be on that team. Over on the Villains side Jo and Heather are fighting to be the team leader barking orders at the other members and who does the team listen to no one but themselves because everyone on that team is in it for themselves. Back on the hero's side everyone is digging in their respective quadrants just like they planned then Cameron triggers a land mine filled with chef's laundry which then gives Cameron an idea. He gives Mike a cowboy hat and while on his head it triggers his personality of Manitoba the Aussie with a skill for finding treasure which is perfect for trying to find puzzle pieces. An in an instant Manitoba digging his way under the sand and emerges with the Hero's first puzzle piece and for Manitoba finding treasure is just as simple as that.
         Back on the Villains side Heather and Jo are still arguing, Gwen is still sulking and Lightning is still an idiot so virtually nothing has changed here, oh except the fact that Heather found a puzzle piece which evens the score for both sides. Its been about an hour into the challenge and the scores are still the same and Chris is getting very aggravated that its taking this long well next time he should tell his interns not to burry stuff so well. Soon after that things start to pick up as the contestants begin stepping on plenty of booby traps and at the same time finding plenty of statue pieces. Meanwhile, Scott being the villain that he is sneaks over to the hero's side, finds a puzzle piece and then buries on the villains side so the hero's won't be able to find it. But Manitoba being the awesome Aussie that he is foils Scott's sabotage but at a price. After he foils his plans Scott then steps on a booby trap that has bee's in it and while Scott looks like he is about to get a really bad sting in a panic he screams and swings his shovel accidentally hitting Manitoba. While Manitoba is passed out we then get a look into Mike's brain and see the other personalities Chester, Vito, and Svetlana playing gold fish with a picture of Mike hanging on the brain wall. Then all of a sudden Manitoba pops back into Mike's brain and shouts "The Malevolent One is Coming" and those words couldn't be anymore scary for the other personalities as they scream in terror. Then the picture hanging on the brain wall of the sweet innocent Mike suddenly changes into a more darker and sinister version of Mike and from the look of things it can't be good.
       On the villainous side of things Heather seems to think she has caught Alejandro moving his legs but it turns out it was just a crab crawling under him which then attacks him pinching his legs and Alejandro doesn't even make a sound which makes Heather believe that his legs are really asleep. Right? Oh you couldn't be so wrong turns out Alejandro held in the scream just to keep up the charade that he can't feel his legs turns out he can walk. IT'S A MIRACLE!!! When it comes to the puzzle pieces it looks like the Heroes are one piece away from victory while the villains according to Lightning have all of their pieces and are ready to assemble their statue. Their statue turns out to be the famous clock Big Ben but it seems to be missing its face, looks like someone missed counted their pieces so its back to the sand for the villains. The Heroes also have constructed their statue into the famous Statue of Liberty and all they were missing was the torch. So it was a neck and neck race to the finish and its anyone's game and while Jo finds the last clock piece, right under Sam who was lying dead in the sand was the last piece for the heroes. With the torch in hand in a last ditch effort to win Zoey throws the torch and it lands perfectly in place giving the Heroic Hamsters the win and sending the Villainous Vultures to elimination and sending Sam to Boney Island for Exile.

The Elimination: So in my eyes based on today's performance Lightning is my pick to leave. But before elimination begins we get our first look at Mike's new evil personality and he apparently has an agenda. Safe: Duncan, Scott, Gwen, Alejandro, and Heather. Chopping Block: Lightning because of his poor math skills and Jo because she is just too damn bossy even bossier than Heather. But in the end we say Sha-Bye to Lightning, Thank God. So what do you think of Mike's new personality? I personally feel that that is the only personality that Mike has left so it could mean trouble for Mike. We will see next time one Total Drama All-Stars.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dancing With The Stars Season Premiere

    Ok I have to say this is the first time in a long time that I have watched DWTS since Kirstie Ally was on the show and from what I have seen a lot has changed. For one thing the judges table is now on the opposite side of the ballroom and right next to them is where the contestants now sit at, thats right no more going up to the celebriquarium for those awkward Brooke interviews. And even though I like that they have no more after dance awkward interviews with Brooke where every question is "So how did you feel about that dance?" it makes me wonder "So what are they going to do with Brooke now? I felt like Brooke was everywhere and nowhere at the same time during this entire episode. Does that make sense? I mean I feel like her role as a co-host in the past was to interview the contestants after their dance numbers but now that this aspect is gone and the contestants remain on the ballroom floor and since Tom is down there handling all of the interviews it makes me wonder what Brooke is going to do next? Throughout the show Brooke was either in the old Celebriquarium which now looks like this empty space that has been abandoned totally away from the action happening on the dance floor or they had her somewhere backstage doing random pointless interviews away from the action happening on the dance floor its like Brooke has been banished or something. If that was the case they should have put her outside of the soundstage doing random pointless interviews away from all of the action happening on the dance floor. Oh and about the new seating area where the celebs sit, Tom called it a "Sexy Bus Stop" but I think its more on the lines of the chairs you find in front of the principals offices as the celebs wait to be judged and ridiculed by the dance experts. I really hate it!!! But anyway enough talk lets get to the dancing. Will the Judges please reveal their scores:

Brant Daughetry and Peta Murgatroyd: Dancing the Cha-Cha-Cha. The due danced to Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines"and oddly enough Brant's outfit reminded me of Robin's outfit from the VMA's with the whole black/white color combo but thankfully Miley didn't come out and start feeling him up with a foam finger. The judges praised his dance and I thought it was just ok maybe because everytime I hear the song blurred lines I keep thinking of Miley with that foam finger and that is not a pretty sight. Overall score: 22/30

Leah Remini and Tony Devolani: Dancing the Foxtrot. Leah is best known for her role on the King of Queens admits that she is not much of a dancer and it kinda showed in her routine. I say kinda showed because I thought she was very good but she felt a little stiff especially with her arms but with some practice and if she can loosen up a bit I think she can be a serious contender. After her dance ended they cut to JLo crying and next to her was so guy and he kinda looked like a cross between Marc Anthony and John Leguizamo and that is not a compliment. And speaking of not a compliment lets talk about the one Bruno made about Leah's dance he said she looked like she was twerking like Miley Cyrus and Leah was not happy about that comment and frankly I wasn't either. I mean to compare her dancing to Miley Bruno needs to get his eyes checked because there are so many things wrong with that comparison. Overall Score: 21/30

    Before we get to our next couple we got a famous Brooke interview with Corbin and Karina and although I have no idea what the interview was about because I was too busy looking at Brooke's outfit and wondering what she was thinking when she put it on. It was like this weird two piece outfit with a halter top top and this maxi dress type bottom but the kicker was her neon blue nail polish and I know that any color polish and black is ok but this color not so much. This girl is just a lost cause in terms of style and interviewing skills but anyway back to the action.

Corbin Bleu and Karina Smirnoff: Dancing Contemporary style of dance it was filled with lifts, jumps and some weird body movements. At one point in the dance Corbin lifted her up and his legs were so wobbly I thought he was going to loose his grip on her and she was going to fall flat on her face. The judges apparently loved it and were yelling and hollering with praise I for one did not understand it?? Overall Score: 24/30

Jack Osbourne and Cheryl Burke: Dancing the Foxtrot. Ok so I'm watching this dance and the first thing I noticed is Cheryl's outfit and I was not a fan of it, it was red but it have the nude like fabrics on the side and feathers on the bottom and it was not working in her favor. But seriously as I am sitting here watching the show and taking notes not the dance and when I look back up at the screen BAM the dance is over in a split second and next thing I see is Mama Osbourne crying her eyes out and all I'm thinking is what the hell did I miss?!?!? So now I have to go to DVR mode and rewind just to see the dance I mean is it me or are these dances shorter this season? Overall Score 23/30 so it must have been good in the judges eyes.

    But before commercial break here is Brooke now backstage near hair and makeup. She should tell them to change her nail polish color cause its really bothering me.

Amber Riley and Derek Hough: Dancing the Cha-Cha-Cha. They surprisingly earned the highest score of the night which is a surprise to me because I thought they were good but not great. Amber also played the big girls can dance too card trying to make a statement saying anyone can do this. While thats great and all this card has bee played before on this show so you are not the first to prove this point so nice try. But honestly judges three 9's? She was good I will give her that but I really don't think she deserver three 9's maybe one 9 but three? Overall Score: 27/30

Elizabeth Berkley and Val Chmerkovskiy: Dancing Contemporary style of dance. So a lot of people remember Elizabeth from her role as Jesse on Saved by the Bell I know I do and most people know her from the movie "Showgirls". The danced itself was filled with lifts, jumps, and some weid dance movements and I realized that I don't really understand contemporary dance that much. But what I do know is that Elizabeth's dance was far more superior the Corbin's contemporary dance it was much more beautiful and romantic than Corbin's. Overall Score: 24/30

Bill Nye and Tyne Stecklein: Dancing the Cha-Cha-Cha. I'm soory but I have to put this in there.

OMG I loved this show when I was a kind he always made me feel since was a super cool subject and I love when they placed his show in class for no reason what so ever but just for the fact that its Bill Nye and that was all that really mattered. He was the only reason that I decided to watch the show this year because its Bill Nye the Science Guy!!!! His performance was not as good as Amber Riley(still don't understand that one really three 9's?) But I thought it was ten time cuter as our Beauty and the Geek couple danced together to the song "Weird Science", I love the lab set up and he even had on his signature blue lab coat so I give him 30/30 for that nostalgic moment. Overall Score: 14/30 but I feel that Bill will be sticking around for a while mostly because of his large fan base.

Keyshawn Johnson and Sharma Burgess: Dancing the Cha-Cha-Cha. So in the past the football players were real contenders but this guy not so must. He was kinda stiff and robotic like and honestly what exactly was going on with Sharma's outfit? It was like Midus touched her clothes and this was the end result. Lets hope no one ever wears gold spanxs ever!! I'm serious. Overall Score 17/30

Christina Milian and Mark Ballas: Dancing Contemporary style of dance. So a lot of people feel that Christina will excel in this competition but I feel that her main down fall will be her partner Mark Ballas. In the past Mark is known for being over the top in his dance routines and he tends to do thing totally unrelated to the dance assigned to him and Christina will suffer for this. Just like the other contemporary dances this one had lefts, jumps and weird dance moves. Oh and I guess we won't be seeing her on the Voice anymore in the electronic studio lounge where everyone is on their Ipads and Iphones for no reason what so ever. Overall Score: 22/30

      So back to Brooke to see what the producers assigned her to do now. Oh look she is interviewing the audience I guess she is done interviewing the stars now she is moving on to the audience how sad. Some one needs to put this girl somewhere and have her stay there.

Bill Engvall and Emma Slater: Dancing the Foxtrot. Bill is a comedian who is dancing for all of the rednecks out there and I have to say he was pretty good. Bruno on the other hand "felt something" during that dance and what the "something was the world may never know. Overall Score: 18/30

Valerie Harper and Tristan MacManus: Dancing the Foxtrot. I have to say it was a beautiful foxtrot. There was not a dry eye in that ballroom after that dancing was over. The woman is surviving a brain tumer and her is so lively and so full of joy and happiness and that is what makes this woman so remarkable. Even Len was crying and it takes a lot for that British man to cry. Overall Score: 21/30

Snooki and Sasha Farber: Dancing the Cha-Cha-Cha. Last but not least Snooki aka Nicole aka Snicole as Tom likes to call her which is the name I will be using from now on cause I love it. But overall her Cha-Cha-Cha was pretty damn good so props to her. Overall Score: 23/30

    So that is it for this episode and I have to say its a pretty good start and I might just stick around for the whole season or for as long as Bill Nye is there for. But as you know the show is now one day a week so that means no more Tuesday episodes which I am perfectly fine with since I always skip through all the dancing stuff and just watch the elimination. So who are you guys rooting for? And do you think Brooke's days are numbered on this show as much as I do?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure

     So instead of doing an episode recap I decided to do an overall review of a new Netflix original Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure which is a spin off of the hit Australian show H20. Now if anyone has seen the original H2O its the story about three girls Emma, Cleo, and Rikki who one day while stranded on a place called Mako Island obtain mermaid powers after they gain these powers they have to deal with the day to day struggles of have to hide their powers from their friends and family all while trying to figure out how to use their powers and figure out how they work. And by season three of the show Emma leaves and in comes Bella a new girl with mermaid powers to complete Cleo and Rikki's circle of three. But when it comes to Mako Mermaids its kind of the same story but with a little twist.
       Mako Mermaids is the story about three mermaids Lyla, Sirena, and Nixie who live on Mako Island with their mermaid pod. They are more of the younger, inexperienced mermaids who still have a lot to learn about their powers and when they are finally experienced enough they will earn their moon ring, a special ring that only an experienced mermaid wears which holds great power and can help a mermaid enhance her powers. During a full moon the mermaid pod of Mako Island has a special full moon ceremony and the three girls were chosen for land patrol to make sure no one goes near Mako Island during the full moon ceremony. But when two land boys Zac and Cam decide to go camping out on Mako on the full moon the girls will soon be in a whirl of trouble. At first things seem to be normal as the ceremony begins but when Zac wanders off on the Island he accidentally discovers a cave, in the cave the pathway leads him to a wall that has a symbol of a trident on it, then all of a sudden the floor disappears from under him and he falls straight into the moon pool where the three girls are at, the girls then panic and quickly get Zac out of the moon pool and back on dry land. But to make sure nothing has happened to him the girl find him on land and watch his movements but to theirs surprise something did happen to Zac he can transform into a merman and has gained powers. Upon hearing this the pod decides to cast out the girls and leave Mako Island leaving the girls behind but as a parting Sirena's sister Aquata gives her her moon ring. So after being casted out by their pod the girls decide they have to find a way to try and to get rid of Zac's powers and get their pod bak, even if that means that they have to go on land to do it. That's when the real adventure begins on this show full of funny plots like the girls trying to walk on land, tridents, mermaid battles, and even a little romance. But the question is will the girls complete their mission and get their pod back or will they be stuck on land for the rest of their lives?
      When I first saw this show in my Netflix recommended shows list I was a little taken back by it I didn't know if I should feel excited that their was a new H2O type show or if I should not like it because it didn't have to original girls that I know and love. But I decided to give this show a chance and I am really glad that I did because I am in love with the show. I think it is a very clever show with a good story line and the whole addition of a merman I think brings an exciting element to the show. Now one thing I would recommend if you are going to see this show DON'T COMPARE IT TO THE ORIGINAL H2O SERIES!!! This show is a spin-off of the original sure it has the same ideas like the whole human turning into a mermaid and having to hide it from their friends and family and it does have mermaids with these powers to control water and the weather but it is nothing like the original. Instead of three human girls you have one human boy and three mermaids and I think its a really smart choice for a spin-off series to have these three girls who are mermaids who know nothing about land and having to watch them adjust on land and learn the ways of a land dweller was pretty funny to watch and then to throw in a human boy who becomes a merman and is trying to figure out how this happened and why this happened was nice its like the roles were reversed in a way and I loved it. But if people go into the show automatically comparing it to the original series they will never give this show a chance and will start to nitpick at different things at why they don't like this show and I for one feel this show deserves at chance as its own series and not be compared to the original because this really is a good show. The actors in it are wonderful, the storyline is good in each episode and the plot line is very good and overall I give this show 5 stars for giving the H2O audience that same feel of H2O but with a whole new plot twist. I would highly recommend this to any fan of the original H2O you will love this as much as the original. And its from the same guy that brought you the original so where can you go wrong? I can't wait for season 2!!!!  

Friday, September 13, 2013

Total Drama All Stars Ep 1: Heroes vs Villains

        So guys this week was the premiere of a brand new season of Total Drama and this time its an All-Star cast. I have been waiting for this show to come back for forever I absolutely love this show its one of the best cartoon competition shows I have ever seen actually its the only cartoon competition I have seen and it totally rocks. So this season starts off with Chris McClean stuck in the slammer it seems he is still doing hard time for dumping toxic waste on Camp Wawanakwa. But it seem you can't take the hosting skills out of this guy because he is in his jail cell pitting two cockroaches against each other which he just so happened to name them Lightning and Duncan. But lets talk about Chris' jail cell for a second wow that place was pretty nice compared to those of the other inmates I mean he has a glass front door, a picture of the island on the wall, along with a picture of himself but this is Chris McLean we are talking about here lol. But after a whole year in jail he finally gets his first ever visit from chef, I guess chef needed a mega vacation away from Chris probably finding new recipes to feed the campers this year hum I wonder what the new Chef specials would be. Also I think Chef 2.0 is awesome. But anyway the original Chef came to visit Chris because it seems the producers green lit a new season of Total Drama and to Chris and Chef they are so ready for this and so was I.
         So here we are back at camp and back on the new toxic waste free island and boy isn't it great to be back.  And to kick off this season Chris is bringing back 14 all stars from the past seasons to compete for the $1 million prize but lets face it no one actually gets their hands on the prize money because Chris always does something to ruin it but thats what we love about him. So here is our lovely All-Star Cast:

Mike(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Mike is back and so are multiple personalities Vito the buff Italian who has a thing for the ladies, Svetlana the swedish gymnast, and Chester the grumpy old man, and Manitoba I don't think I remember this one lol. I like Mike and I feel he does so much better when his personalities come out so lets see ho long he lasts.


Zoey(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Zoey is in love with Mike and she seemed to be the one everyone can take advantage of during her season but after Mike left things changed. She toughen up and became a frontrunner to win her season but sadly she got booted off but I hope she makes it to the end this year.

Lightning(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Lightning made it to the finals on his season so lets see it he can make it to the end again. Personally I didn't like Lightning he was way too into himself sha-bam lol

Cameron(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Our favorite nerd Cameron made it to to finals in his season as well. I like Cameron and everything but I hope he does not too far in the game because I wanna see someone else get the prize.

Sam(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Sam ugh aside from his video game skills Sam's competitive game skills are not so great. I don't think he will make it too far in the game.

Scott(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Scott the evil manipulator who schemed his way in the game and let his fellow contestants take the fall for his dirty work. But this season with his new team mate I'm not so sure he can get away with it this time.

Jo(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Jo likes two things winning and being right all the time and she totally has a thing for Brick. She is a very competitive person and will do anything to be on top lets see if she can make it to the end this time.

Courtney(Seasons 1-3)- Courtney is the know-it-all who seem to think she is right all the time. She is a very competitive person and currently hate's Gwen her former bestie after she kissed her "boyfriend" but at the time her and Duncan were not dating at the time. Courtney will make it far in the game and she won't back down without a fight.

Gwen(Seasons 1-3)- Gwen was my favorite character when the show first started. I thought her and Trent made a cute couple in the first season but now I am totally on team Gwen and Duncan. I am pulling for her to make it to the end with Duncan.

Duncan(Seasons 1-3)- Duncan is the bad boy of the game and doesn't care about anyone but himself and Gwen. And who knows this season he might get far in the game.

Heather(Seasons 1-3)- Heather was the self proclaimed mean girl on all of her seasons on the show and made it to the final two on Total Drama World Tour against Alejandro. She may not like to admit it but she is totally in love with him.

Lindsay(Seasons 1-3)- Lindsay was the typical dumb blonde. She is sweet and everything but not that bright.

Sierra(Season 3)- Sierra was the Total Drama super fan who loved everything about the show including Cody. The girl was obsessed with him and she thinks she see's him everywhere.

       The last person on the plane was Ezekiel the human turned feral freak but how he got on the plane is totally unknown. But one things for sure he is not a contestant on the show and Chris had his robot jet him off back where he came from. As the cast washes up on shore Chris explains that the Island is 100% toxic waste free and to the disappointment of Sam because he only came back so he can become a mutant just like Dakota yeah this guy is not lasting long. Chris then points out that the losers still have to sleep ing the same old dusty cabin but the winners get to sleep in the McClean Spa hotel, complete with a hot tub and 24 hour masseuse, this guy would make anything just to put his name on it. With all that being said he divides the teams up heroes vs Villains style. For the first team you have Duncan, Scott, Heather, Lightning, Jo, and much to her dismay Gwen as the Villainous Vultures of the season. And rounding out the other team you have Mike, Zoey, Courtney, Lindsay, and Sierra making up the Heroic Hamsters. But with the teams uneven Chris adds the Robot on team Villains just to have even teams and the robot seems to have a thing for Heather.
         Time for the first challenge: find the key to the Spa Hotel, sounds easy enough? Well things are never easy on Total Drama as long as Chris is in charge. The key is at the bottom of the ocean and in order to retrieve it the teams have to cliff dive into the water and grab the key and make sure its the right one because there are a couple of them down there oh and did I mention the hungry Sharks. See told you it wasn't easy. After they avoid the sharks and grad a key they have to hop in a baby stroller pushed by one of their teammates toward the hotel and if it doesn't fit they have to try again. So the teams then head toward the cliff where they then pick out who is staying on the ground pushing the stroller while team Villains fights to push the carriage which eventually goes to Jo since she is the Shopping Cart Racing Circuit Champion yeah right. lol Team Heroes politely let each other push the carriage, which eventually goes to Lindsay as the driver which is a bad decision since the girl is more worried about trying to figure out to stop making mistakes. But Lindsay you made a huge mistake by being the driver but it wasn't her fault since Courtney pushed Lindsay into the cart. Courtney will soon regret this later.
        So while Lindsay and Jo mange the baby carriages the rest of the contestants head up the mountain. So the competition is about to begin except for Scott who is terrified of sharks mostly Fang the shark that hunted Scott during his season. Chris blows the horn and Lightning and Courtney are the first to dive for there team and Lightning  literally takes out fang in one hit and quickly surfaces with a key in hand putting the Villains with a fast lead. Meanwhile, Courtney is swimming out of the water right after him while Fang brushes off his Lightning beat down. Courtney then gets in her carriage but her driver, Lindsay is just a little lost in finding the hotel and remembering how to push a carriage. Poor Lindsay. While on route to the hotel Jo and Lightning strike a deal to not vote each other off until the teams merge I wonder how long this promise will last, they get to the hotel but the key doesn't fit. And soon after Courtney then arrives and her key also doesn't fit and I highly doubt they left a window open, sorry Lindsay. Next up to dive is Duncan and instead of getting a kiss from Gwen for good luck she pushes him off, Duncan grabs a key and is headed toward the hotel. Sierra then dives off the cliff in honor of Cody, karate kicks the sharks and just so happens to pick a key in the shape of Cody's head wow this girl is obsessed.
        But before Courtney can get out of the carriage Sierra jumps in making it more difficult for Lindsay to push it since she now know how to do that. But I don't understand that shouldn't Courtney have already been out of the carriage while Sierra was kick boxing the sharks? Jo in the meantime is trying to intimidate Duncan into being in charge of the team but Duncan is too laid back to be intimidated sorry Jo and also Duncan doesn't even want to be in charge, they get to the the door and the key doesn't fit. Sierra then also reaches the door and her key also doesn't fit but before Courtney can get a word out that she is still in the carriage Sierra jumps right back in, Courtney should have gotten out of that thing sooner. Next up Mike and Gwen, Gwen petrified on the top of the cliff when she should have been at the hotel already since Duncan and Jo got back long before Sierra and Lindsay and Courtney. But in any case Gwen get knocked into the water by Mike after he get love struck from that kiss Zoey gave him. Once in the water Gwen looks like she might be in trouble from the three hungry sharks but thankfully Zoey comes to the rescue even though she was really doing it for Mike. Gwen and Jo then take off and Mike arrives on shore soon after but before he can get in Courtney finally get out bruised, battered, and defeated. Gwen's key also doesn't fit and Mike and Lindsay arrive as Gwen and Jo leave with Mike pushing the carriage via gondola style while Lindsay is tired from all that walking and pushing. Next to jump Heather and gamer Sam, while the sharks focus on Sam, Heather grabs a key and heads toward the hotel. Heather's key doesn't fit while Sam and Lindsay arrive looking defeated and tired and their key doesn't fit also. And it turn out Lindsay is only here so she can use the money to buy an endless supply of lipgloss I mean seriously I don't even know where Lindsay will put all that lip gloss she would have to buy like an endless supply of purses just so she can hold all that lip gloss.
         Back on the mountain the guys are struggling to get Scott to jump off the cliff the guy is fearless but when it comes to sharks he just won't go there. In the meantime Zoey then dives off the cliff giving the Heroic Hamsters the lead for the first time in the game. While Lightning still struggles to have Scott let go of the rock and into the water they both accidentally bump into the Robot and it goes straight into the water. After the sharks have a hard time chowing down on the robot it eventually explodes and out emerges Alejandro. Yup it turns out he has been locked in that robot suit by Chris after the whole Volcano incident and since Chris was arrested he wasn't able to let Alejandro out but lets face I doubt Chris would have ever let him out. After landing safely on land after exploding from the robot a key just so happen to also explode from the water and land directly in Alejandro's hand because this guy is just that smooth. Alejandro and Jo then arrive at the hotel after Zoey's failed attempt to open the door, Alejandro comes along and just so happens to have the lucky key because he is just that smooth and the Villainous Vultures win the challenge which means the Heroic Hamsters are going into elimination ceremony.

Alejandro(season 3)- Alejandro was a force to be reckoned with during his season on Total Drama and even made it to the final two against Heather but fell into the volcano and was never to be seen again until now. Alejandro is back and he so ready to play and hopefully to woo Heather.

      The elimination ceremony and now it seems the other team gets to see who will get voted off. Then you have Gwen still trying to make nice with Courtney but in all honesty Gwen has to get over that ok she got Duncan fair and square and thats that. But before the ceremony starts Chris asked one winner to volunteer for a "special" reward and of course Lightning quickly volunteered. His prize: to spent the night on boney island with all the the hungry animals the catch well hidden on the island is a McClean invincibility statue and the odds of him finding that statue are slim to none have fun Lightning. Voting time and they have to place an "X" on the picture of the person they want to eliminate. Everyone does their whole secret voting thing while the only votes we see are from Courtney who votes for Lindsay and Lindsay who holds up a picture of Courtney and then proceeds to put an "X" on herself. HaHaha that girl even knows she did wrong in that challenge. So the following heros are safe Sam, Zoey, Mike, Cameron, and Sierra leaving Lindsay and Courtney as the bottom two. Lindsay is on the bottom because of her terrible driving skills and Courtney well because she is the one that let Lindsay drive. In the end Lindsay was sent packing and she couldn't have been happier. So for her departure instead of being catapulted off the island she was swirlyed off of the island. Bye Lindsay say hi to Tyler for us. Well thats it for this episode of Total Drama All Stars tune in for next week for my next recap and look out for more recaps of some of my other favorite tv shows. So I have to ask who are you guy rooting for to win Total Drama All-Stars this season?