Thursday, September 19, 2013

Total Drama Recap Episode 2: Evil Dread

        Time for another recap of Total Drama: All Stars. The episode begins in the loser cabin where it looks like Mike is having an identity crisis as he jumps from one personality to another. Meanwhile in the bed across the room Sam is getting the blood drained out of him by a mosquito so he already is not having a good day. In the girls cabin a whole lot of crazy is happening mostly because Sierra is still on the team, she is busy bothering the other girls mostly Courtney by blogging about everything she does and still obsessing over Cody.Soon after chef comes in with room service, some weird goo that get splattered in the cabin and while Courtney gets annoyed, Sierra gets on the floor and starts eating hum maybe the goo looked like Cody or something.
        Switching to the other side of things at Spa Hotel, the villains are being pampered, getting served a five star breakfast to them in a huge dining hall by their own personal butler. And it seems like everyone is enjoying it that is everyone except Gwen who is still sulking over the fact that she is considered a villain or the fact that Courtney is still mad at her for kissing Duncan. Ugh FYI Gwen GET OVER IT!!!!!! Seriously all her sulking is making me not like her and I don't want to not like her she is my favorite character. Then Jo comes in the dining hall and starts campaigning to get Lightning voted off next, it seems someone is going back on her agreement ha I knew that pact wouldn't last and by the second episode no less. In another part of the hotel Heather is busy yelling at Alejandro and Alejandro is busy manscaping himself by getting a massage and his eyebrows waxed. But with the way Alejandro looks I suspect he manscapes everyday and since he is out of that robot suit I know he will manscape everyday as long as his team keeps winning. Also Alejandro's legs seem to still be asleep but if this is a ploy to get Heather back then I am all for it I love these two together. Side Note: I am pretty shocked by that hotel its actually something worthy of a prize considering this is something coming from Chris who doesn't care how his contestants end up. End Side Note. Meanwhile on Boney Island Lightning is busy fighting a bird for a fish he caught so he can have food this morning. Lightning always prides himself on arrogance and feels he is better than everybody but boy is he stupid and you will see what I mean by that later.

Challenge Time: The teams then join Chris on the beach for their next challenge and on the villains side Gwen is busy giving Duncan the cold shoulder(seriously her attitude better change soon) while on the heroes side Sam is looking a little pale it looks like he won't be helping out as much with this challenge. And if his team doesn't will I guarantee he will be going home. Oh and Lightning is back from Boney Island minus and invincibility statue so there is still one up for grabs. The Challenge today is on the beach the TD interns buried 3-D pieces in the sand, 7 pieces per team. The teams have to find the pieces and then recreate the sculpture which represents one of the places visited during the World Tour season. The Catch: The platform that they are on where they have to recreate the sculpture at is surrounded by a moat filled with a bunch of crabs and the sand that has the pieces is filled with booby traps. Well lucky for the villains at least since they won the last challenge they had the honor of digging for their pieces with shovels and the heroes well they just have to use their hands. So let the challenge begin.
        The teams then begin to strategies on how they will search for the 3-D pieces and on the hero team everything is all peace, love, and flower power because they are just agreeing on everything and are just so nice to each other and yes while that does make for a great team it can also get a little annoying and even Courtney agrees with me. Thats why I know deep down Courtney was meant to be on team villains because this girl is ruthless and it makes more sense for her to be on that team. Over on the Villains side Jo and Heather are fighting to be the team leader barking orders at the other members and who does the team listen to no one but themselves because everyone on that team is in it for themselves. Back on the hero's side everyone is digging in their respective quadrants just like they planned then Cameron triggers a land mine filled with chef's laundry which then gives Cameron an idea. He gives Mike a cowboy hat and while on his head it triggers his personality of Manitoba the Aussie with a skill for finding treasure which is perfect for trying to find puzzle pieces. An in an instant Manitoba digging his way under the sand and emerges with the Hero's first puzzle piece and for Manitoba finding treasure is just as simple as that.
         Back on the Villains side Heather and Jo are still arguing, Gwen is still sulking and Lightning is still an idiot so virtually nothing has changed here, oh except the fact that Heather found a puzzle piece which evens the score for both sides. Its been about an hour into the challenge and the scores are still the same and Chris is getting very aggravated that its taking this long well next time he should tell his interns not to burry stuff so well. Soon after that things start to pick up as the contestants begin stepping on plenty of booby traps and at the same time finding plenty of statue pieces. Meanwhile, Scott being the villain that he is sneaks over to the hero's side, finds a puzzle piece and then buries on the villains side so the hero's won't be able to find it. But Manitoba being the awesome Aussie that he is foils Scott's sabotage but at a price. After he foils his plans Scott then steps on a booby trap that has bee's in it and while Scott looks like he is about to get a really bad sting in a panic he screams and swings his shovel accidentally hitting Manitoba. While Manitoba is passed out we then get a look into Mike's brain and see the other personalities Chester, Vito, and Svetlana playing gold fish with a picture of Mike hanging on the brain wall. Then all of a sudden Manitoba pops back into Mike's brain and shouts "The Malevolent One is Coming" and those words couldn't be anymore scary for the other personalities as they scream in terror. Then the picture hanging on the brain wall of the sweet innocent Mike suddenly changes into a more darker and sinister version of Mike and from the look of things it can't be good.
       On the villainous side of things Heather seems to think she has caught Alejandro moving his legs but it turns out it was just a crab crawling under him which then attacks him pinching his legs and Alejandro doesn't even make a sound which makes Heather believe that his legs are really asleep. Right? Oh you couldn't be so wrong turns out Alejandro held in the scream just to keep up the charade that he can't feel his legs turns out he can walk. IT'S A MIRACLE!!! When it comes to the puzzle pieces it looks like the Heroes are one piece away from victory while the villains according to Lightning have all of their pieces and are ready to assemble their statue. Their statue turns out to be the famous clock Big Ben but it seems to be missing its face, looks like someone missed counted their pieces so its back to the sand for the villains. The Heroes also have constructed their statue into the famous Statue of Liberty and all they were missing was the torch. So it was a neck and neck race to the finish and its anyone's game and while Jo finds the last clock piece, right under Sam who was lying dead in the sand was the last piece for the heroes. With the torch in hand in a last ditch effort to win Zoey throws the torch and it lands perfectly in place giving the Heroic Hamsters the win and sending the Villainous Vultures to elimination and sending Sam to Boney Island for Exile.

The Elimination: So in my eyes based on today's performance Lightning is my pick to leave. But before elimination begins we get our first look at Mike's new evil personality and he apparently has an agenda. Safe: Duncan, Scott, Gwen, Alejandro, and Heather. Chopping Block: Lightning because of his poor math skills and Jo because she is just too damn bossy even bossier than Heather. But in the end we say Sha-Bye to Lightning, Thank God. So what do you think of Mike's new personality? I personally feel that that is the only personality that Mike has left so it could mean trouble for Mike. We will see next time one Total Drama All-Stars.

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