Sunday, September 29, 2013

Total Drama Ep 3 Recap: Saving Private Leechball

       Ok so before I begin this recap I want to make a note that I hate the fact that they shortened the intro theme song because I liked singing the song in the beginning. But anyway time for the recap of last weeks Total Drama I know its late but hey school kept me busy. So we begin our episode as we watch our campers get ready for bed. While the villains are remembering what its like to live in the cabins and the heros are sleeping in the lap of luxury in the McClean Hotel. Sierra is busy tucking in digi Cody under the covers while she sleeps on the other end like a dog. On the boys side while Cameron and Mike are living the dream, Sam is living in hell on boney island trying to survive the night. Back at the hotel while Cameron is sound asleep, Mike's evil personality comes out and breaks Sam's video game console, Sam is not going to be too happy about that when he finds out. It seem evil Mike has an agenda when it comes to getting rid of his other teammates what that is exactly well we just have to find out as the series goes on. Morning time on the island and as Courtney argues with the butler the rest of the heros sneak some food from breakfast in their shirt and pants pockets, I wonder what they are up too. Challenge time as Chris summons the campers to the forest. On the way there Jo and Heather are both trying to get Gwen on their side because in their mind where ever Gwen goes Duncan will follow and even Alejandro is trying to rope in Gwen mostly to try and get Heather back. Before the challenge begins Sam returns from Boney Island beaten, bruised and defeated. The other heros go to him to see if he is alright and give him the food that they took from breakfast that is everyone except Courtney it seems she didn't get the memo about giving Sam food.
        The Challenge: Its a twist on the War movie challenge from season two of Total Drama Action where the teams have to first race to one of two crates with one containing state of the art machines and the other containing sling shots. After the teams get a box they then have to knock out the competition making sure they get all of the member of the other team to win the challenge first team to six points wins. The Catch: Well the artillery they will be using won't be paintball since Chris is banned from using them so instead they will be using Leeches to shoot at the other team. Good Luck guys. Since the Heros won the last challenge they get a minute head start in the race toward the crates but that was not enough to beat the villains as during the race as the heroes went one way and the villains went another it seems the villain went through a short cut that made them reach the crates first as the villains snag the bigger crate containing the machine guns while the heroes had to grab the little crate with the sling shots. But on the way to the crates it seems Cameron and Sierra were bonding a little too much, Cameron should steer clear from Sierra cause is is known to get too obsessed with guys she hangs with I mean she named the leeches after Cody for christ sakes.
        So the challenge begins and the Heros go into strategy mode while the villains go into argue mode. And just like I said as Sierra and Cameron continue to bind Sierra has just totally lost it as she begins to imagine that Cameron looks like Cody. The heros then spot a cave and decide to leave Sam there because he is just too beaten to help with this challenge while the rest of the heroes hunt for the villains except for Courtney who stood behind to protect Sam in case a villain enters the cave and she felt bad that she didn't bring him food. Mike then begins to have a personality crisis as he starts to notice that his other personalities aren't coming out anymore cause evil Mike has taken over his brain, this guy have better get a cool name soon. The Villains on the other hand are busy pushing a canon around making them easy targets for the Heroes as as they being to argue about who should go with Gwen, Alejandro then gets hit making the score 1-0 for the Heroes. Then Jo does the stupidest thing ever she fires the canon but instead of hitting the other team she winds up hitting Scott in a pretty funny shot I have to admit but it brought the score to 2-0 for the heroes because according to Chris friendly fire counts then Mike hits Heather leaving only Jo, Gwen, and Duncan. It seems like the sling shot was the better choice of weapon for this challenge making it easier to move around in the forest.
         So while Gwen and Duncan hunt for heros, Duncan does a pretty sweet thing for his girl Gwen. As he spots Cameron aiming his target at Gwen, Duncan then jumps in front of Gwen so he can get hit and not her. Awwww and then Gwen totally retaliated by shooting Leaches back at Cameron making the score 4-2 cause Sierra hit herself by accident. While Gwen and Duncan have a moment Mike then hits Gwen making the score 5-2 leaving only Jo left to win it for her team. Jo then arrives at the cave where Sam and Courtney are in and as Jo closes in on Sam Courtney tries her luck at taking aim at Jo but fails. Jo then turns her attention to Courtney and to save herself from the leeches she uses Sam as a human shield, bad Courtney. Zoey now also in the cave takes aim at Jo and also misses also cause Jo dodged the attack but is unable to return fire because her machine is jammed so she decides to throw the leeches at Zoe. But in a very impressive move by Zoey she goes all Matrix style and dodges the attack, then she grabs a leech, shoots it back at Jo and then wins the challenge for the heroes that was pretty hardcore Zoey.
      Elimination Time: The villains are back on the chopping block but before the ceremony can begin Chris needs a volunteer from the heroes to be exiled on boney island. Cameron then offer to go since he has been noticing that Sierra keeps thinking that he is Cody good move Cameron cause that chick is crazy. Safe: Duncan, Gwen, Scott, and Alejandro. Bottom Two: Heather and Jo because they are annoying but Jo mostly because she hit her own teammate and because of that she was the one to be sent home. But before she can leave Chris did a little reshuffling of the teams based on their performance during the challenge putting Courtney on the Villains team and Duncan on the Heroes team. And even though I truly feel that Courtney should have been on the villains team from the start but Duncan really???!!! Sure he might have jumped in front of Gwen to save her from the leeches be he is far from being a hero and now that Courtney is on the villain side I know for a fact she is going to make Gwen's time on the Island a living Hell sorry Gwen. So what do you guys think was it the right decision to send Duncan to the good side? Will Mike's evil personality ever be discovered? And will Gwen survive her new teammate? Find out next time on my recap of Total Drama All-Stars!!!! Bye

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