Friday, September 27, 2013

The Blacklist Recap and First Impressions

        Hey guys Wicked3691 here to recap The Blacklist the new show from NBC. The show stars James Spader best known for his role on the legal show Boston Legal and The Practice and also starring Megan Boone but I have no clue where she is from though. Anyway lets look at the episode shall we. So the show starts off with a man named Raymond "Red" Reddington aka Red for short as he oh so casually strolls into FBI headquarters now for anyone else this situation will be ok but for Red its a big issue. It turns out Red is on the FBI's top ten most wanted list so for him its not wise to be walking into  FBI headquarters and turning yourself into the Feds. But like most criminals he has to have any ulterior motive for heading in there. After the whole arrest FBI black ops arrive probably to make sure this guy is really in custody cause its not everyday criminals turn themselves in. So apparently Red is your whole good guy gone bad, he was in the military on very good standing until one day he leaves his  wife and child and then turns up years later he resurfaces giving away military secrets so yeah he has done it all. So after being quiet for about an hour or so, Red finally speaks and he talks about some major events that happened around the world is caused by one man Ranko Zamani. Apparently Red wants him and so does the FBI but according to FBI files the man is dead but according to Red he is alive. Decisions, decisions who to believe???? Tough one but point 1 for our criminal as FBI confirms that Zamani is in fact alive. Who would have guessed it oh right Red did good job Red. But the question remains what exactly does Red want with him? Reds terms he will only help the FBI if he can work with Elizabeth Keen.
           Who is Elizabeth Keen you ask? Well at the moment she is a nobody. She is just your average everyday newbie FBI criminal profiler ready to start her first day on the job, she has a husband, a dog, and is looking to adopt a baby it seems like this girl has everything going for her. Until her world comes crashing down when a criminal mentions her name in an interrogation oops sorry Lizzy it seems the happy life is over. So the FBI cues Lizzy to what is going on, and seriously my impression of this girl is the goody goody who praises her entire life and brags about everything it makes me wonder why in the hell will this girl choose to be a FBI agent? She would have been better off as a teacher. And from the way her possible new partner looks at her he might just be getting a crush on her as the series goes on. So afterwards Lizzy and her possible new crush guy idk about his name arrived at the "black site" aka the "post office" which honestly they couldn't have come up with a better name I mean its the FBI of christ sakes but anyway they arrive to talk to Red to find out whats up and why exactly he wants to work with her. It turns out this guy knows a lot about her I mean the stalker type is kinda creepy, he know she changed her hair color, he knew that she wants to adopt, that she like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain he  probably cheated or something and looked at her FB page or something and he also spilled the beans about her father being a criminal. Oh and apparently the Zamani guy plans to kidnap a generals daughter for reasons unknown so yeah time to get to work.
          The FBI then picks up the little girl from ballet class to take her to a safe location. So after driving around for a while they suddenly get stopped by a road block apparently there was a chemical spill so the man in the hazzmat suit was having them turn around. Now if this FBI team was smart then they would have realized that this was a setup I mean I even knew it was going to be a setup but no these guys for some reason did not see it coming. So you will never guess what happened next they got ambushed who would have thought it. The truck from a couple of cars down the line came out full speed and slammed into the car with Lizzy and the little girl and after that it was gun fire all around. Everything was happening so fast that the Feds couldn't act fast enough and Lizzy well she had the brightest idea of the bunch. It seemed to her that in order to save the little girl why not just hand her over to the bad guys good thinking Lizzy I would have never thought of that but that is why your the FBI agent and I'm not. But come on there were so many other ways she could have handled that situation that didn't involve handing over the kid to the bad guys. So just to recap the bad guys have the little girl and Lizzy is an idiot thats two points for the criminals and zero points for the FBI its not looking good for the FBI at this point. So now we turn our attention back to Red the master criminal who seems to know everything, and is apparently the only person that can help at this point. Then something cute happens Red and Lizzy share a little show and tell as Red ask Lizzy about the scar on her hand and despite everything that has happened she tells him awww a little father, daughter bonding how sweet. Red also tells her that in order to catch a crook you have to think like a crook, Hello Criminal Minds anyone??? After looking at some photos and talking about some stuffit eventually the FBI to the chemist who is making a bomb and the Zamani is just after a little revenge thats all, then Red makes another deal with the FBI he will give then the name of a man that he know to help them find the chemist if he can stay in the fanciest hotel in town.
          So now Red is living in the lap of luxury while the FBI goes and gets the chemist, while Lizzy heads home for a little R&R. But that wasn't happening for her because instead she got her husband being held hostage in a chair by Zamani apparently the guy is pissed that the FBI knew of his plan to kidnap the little girl and this man wants answers and he will stab her husband a million times in order to get it. And honestly Lizzy's acting in the scene was not working for me her fear and tears were not believable in my book. So the after math of this whole scene well her husband is in critical condition, Lizzy is pissed off, and Red yeah Red doesn't seem to care one bit the only thing he seems to care about is what Zamani said to her and you know what Lizzy did she took the pen and stabbed Red in the neck because she is just that angry!!! So after a couple of days of sobbing Lizzy decides she has to talk to Red, who is now in the hospital, because talking to him in the past worked out so well for her. But she might have to wait to to talk to him for awhile because Red escaped for a meeting with Zamani. So now it becomes this "chase" as the FBI try to track down Red which Red doesn't seem too worried about because he is just strolling. This has got to be the worst cop chase ever because as agent what his name is chasing after Red and Red is walking and the agent for some reason can't seem to catch up to him I seriously don't understand that but it turns out it wasn't Red he was chasing but Zamani. Red was busy talking to Lizzy still asking her what she heard and saw while her husband was being stabbed to death and it seems Lizzy did remember something that Zamani was wearing a tattoo from the zoo. So we are off to the zoo and the good news was we find the girl, the bad news is that she had a bomb strapped to her that is going to blow up in 3 minutes but lucky for Lizzy Red knows a guy who can help defuse the bomb. So as Reds guy begins to defuse the bomb he accidentally cut the wrong wire which speeds up the timer for the bomb uh oh thing don't look too good but thankfully he cuts the right wire just before it can go off so the little girl is safe, Zamani is dead and everyone is happy right? Wrong... When Lizzy returns home after failed attempts to remove the blood stain she decides to cut it off but hidden under the rug was a secret compartment with a nice stash of fake passports and a ton of money what the hell was her husband into?? Oh and Red while back in police custody explains that there is a "Blacklist" of name of a ton of bad guys and he will give him the name on the list if he can continue to work with Lizzy.
        Ok so my first impression of the show was that it was just ok I guess for me there are so many cop shows out there that this one brings nothing new to the table. I kinda reminds me of White Collar with the whole plot line of the criminal helping the FBI but I think White Collar is ten times better mostly because of Matt Bomer. But with this show I feel the plot is just too obvious I mean hello you are not going to sit here and tell me that these two aren't father and daughter??? I mean it just seems so obvious her father is a criminal and he is a criminal who just seems to know everything about her life??? Yeah their related. And what is up with her husband my guess is he is either a criminal also if that was the case then Lizzy life just got more complicated father was a criminal and now her husband is a criminal a little awkward or he is just a CIA agent or something because if anyone has seen Covert Affairs and think back to Annie's stash of passports and money then yeah he could be CIA. But overall I give this show 3/5 stars, I know not to judge the show solely on the pilot episode so I will give is a couple of episodes to really get into the grove of things maybe get more plot twist aside from the fact that the girl is working with her criminal father.  

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