Friday, September 13, 2013

Total Drama All Stars Ep 1: Heroes vs Villains

        So guys this week was the premiere of a brand new season of Total Drama and this time its an All-Star cast. I have been waiting for this show to come back for forever I absolutely love this show its one of the best cartoon competition shows I have ever seen actually its the only cartoon competition I have seen and it totally rocks. So this season starts off with Chris McClean stuck in the slammer it seems he is still doing hard time for dumping toxic waste on Camp Wawanakwa. But it seem you can't take the hosting skills out of this guy because he is in his jail cell pitting two cockroaches against each other which he just so happened to name them Lightning and Duncan. But lets talk about Chris' jail cell for a second wow that place was pretty nice compared to those of the other inmates I mean he has a glass front door, a picture of the island on the wall, along with a picture of himself but this is Chris McLean we are talking about here lol. But after a whole year in jail he finally gets his first ever visit from chef, I guess chef needed a mega vacation away from Chris probably finding new recipes to feed the campers this year hum I wonder what the new Chef specials would be. Also I think Chef 2.0 is awesome. But anyway the original Chef came to visit Chris because it seems the producers green lit a new season of Total Drama and to Chris and Chef they are so ready for this and so was I.
         So here we are back at camp and back on the new toxic waste free island and boy isn't it great to be back.  And to kick off this season Chris is bringing back 14 all stars from the past seasons to compete for the $1 million prize but lets face it no one actually gets their hands on the prize money because Chris always does something to ruin it but thats what we love about him. So here is our lovely All-Star Cast:

Mike(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Mike is back and so are multiple personalities Vito the buff Italian who has a thing for the ladies, Svetlana the swedish gymnast, and Chester the grumpy old man, and Manitoba I don't think I remember this one lol. I like Mike and I feel he does so much better when his personalities come out so lets see ho long he lasts.


Zoey(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Zoey is in love with Mike and she seemed to be the one everyone can take advantage of during her season but after Mike left things changed. She toughen up and became a frontrunner to win her season but sadly she got booted off but I hope she makes it to the end this year.

Lightning(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Lightning made it to the finals on his season so lets see it he can make it to the end again. Personally I didn't like Lightning he was way too into himself sha-bam lol

Cameron(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Our favorite nerd Cameron made it to to finals in his season as well. I like Cameron and everything but I hope he does not too far in the game because I wanna see someone else get the prize.

Sam(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Sam ugh aside from his video game skills Sam's competitive game skills are not so great. I don't think he will make it too far in the game.

Scott(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Scott the evil manipulator who schemed his way in the game and let his fellow contestants take the fall for his dirty work. But this season with his new team mate I'm not so sure he can get away with it this time.

Jo(Season 4 Revenge of the Island)- Jo likes two things winning and being right all the time and she totally has a thing for Brick. She is a very competitive person and will do anything to be on top lets see if she can make it to the end this time.

Courtney(Seasons 1-3)- Courtney is the know-it-all who seem to think she is right all the time. She is a very competitive person and currently hate's Gwen her former bestie after she kissed her "boyfriend" but at the time her and Duncan were not dating at the time. Courtney will make it far in the game and she won't back down without a fight.

Gwen(Seasons 1-3)- Gwen was my favorite character when the show first started. I thought her and Trent made a cute couple in the first season but now I am totally on team Gwen and Duncan. I am pulling for her to make it to the end with Duncan.

Duncan(Seasons 1-3)- Duncan is the bad boy of the game and doesn't care about anyone but himself and Gwen. And who knows this season he might get far in the game.

Heather(Seasons 1-3)- Heather was the self proclaimed mean girl on all of her seasons on the show and made it to the final two on Total Drama World Tour against Alejandro. She may not like to admit it but she is totally in love with him.

Lindsay(Seasons 1-3)- Lindsay was the typical dumb blonde. She is sweet and everything but not that bright.

Sierra(Season 3)- Sierra was the Total Drama super fan who loved everything about the show including Cody. The girl was obsessed with him and she thinks she see's him everywhere.

       The last person on the plane was Ezekiel the human turned feral freak but how he got on the plane is totally unknown. But one things for sure he is not a contestant on the show and Chris had his robot jet him off back where he came from. As the cast washes up on shore Chris explains that the Island is 100% toxic waste free and to the disappointment of Sam because he only came back so he can become a mutant just like Dakota yeah this guy is not lasting long. Chris then points out that the losers still have to sleep ing the same old dusty cabin but the winners get to sleep in the McClean Spa hotel, complete with a hot tub and 24 hour masseuse, this guy would make anything just to put his name on it. With all that being said he divides the teams up heroes vs Villains style. For the first team you have Duncan, Scott, Heather, Lightning, Jo, and much to her dismay Gwen as the Villainous Vultures of the season. And rounding out the other team you have Mike, Zoey, Courtney, Lindsay, and Sierra making up the Heroic Hamsters. But with the teams uneven Chris adds the Robot on team Villains just to have even teams and the robot seems to have a thing for Heather.
         Time for the first challenge: find the key to the Spa Hotel, sounds easy enough? Well things are never easy on Total Drama as long as Chris is in charge. The key is at the bottom of the ocean and in order to retrieve it the teams have to cliff dive into the water and grab the key and make sure its the right one because there are a couple of them down there oh and did I mention the hungry Sharks. See told you it wasn't easy. After they avoid the sharks and grad a key they have to hop in a baby stroller pushed by one of their teammates toward the hotel and if it doesn't fit they have to try again. So the teams then head toward the cliff where they then pick out who is staying on the ground pushing the stroller while team Villains fights to push the carriage which eventually goes to Jo since she is the Shopping Cart Racing Circuit Champion yeah right. lol Team Heroes politely let each other push the carriage, which eventually goes to Lindsay as the driver which is a bad decision since the girl is more worried about trying to figure out to stop making mistakes. But Lindsay you made a huge mistake by being the driver but it wasn't her fault since Courtney pushed Lindsay into the cart. Courtney will soon regret this later.
        So while Lindsay and Jo mange the baby carriages the rest of the contestants head up the mountain. So the competition is about to begin except for Scott who is terrified of sharks mostly Fang the shark that hunted Scott during his season. Chris blows the horn and Lightning and Courtney are the first to dive for there team and Lightning  literally takes out fang in one hit and quickly surfaces with a key in hand putting the Villains with a fast lead. Meanwhile, Courtney is swimming out of the water right after him while Fang brushes off his Lightning beat down. Courtney then gets in her carriage but her driver, Lindsay is just a little lost in finding the hotel and remembering how to push a carriage. Poor Lindsay. While on route to the hotel Jo and Lightning strike a deal to not vote each other off until the teams merge I wonder how long this promise will last, they get to the hotel but the key doesn't fit. And soon after Courtney then arrives and her key also doesn't fit and I highly doubt they left a window open, sorry Lindsay. Next up to dive is Duncan and instead of getting a kiss from Gwen for good luck she pushes him off, Duncan grabs a key and is headed toward the hotel. Sierra then dives off the cliff in honor of Cody, karate kicks the sharks and just so happens to pick a key in the shape of Cody's head wow this girl is obsessed.
        But before Courtney can get out of the carriage Sierra jumps in making it more difficult for Lindsay to push it since she now know how to do that. But I don't understand that shouldn't Courtney have already been out of the carriage while Sierra was kick boxing the sharks? Jo in the meantime is trying to intimidate Duncan into being in charge of the team but Duncan is too laid back to be intimidated sorry Jo and also Duncan doesn't even want to be in charge, they get to the the door and the key doesn't fit. Sierra then also reaches the door and her key also doesn't fit but before Courtney can get a word out that she is still in the carriage Sierra jumps right back in, Courtney should have gotten out of that thing sooner. Next up Mike and Gwen, Gwen petrified on the top of the cliff when she should have been at the hotel already since Duncan and Jo got back long before Sierra and Lindsay and Courtney. But in any case Gwen get knocked into the water by Mike after he get love struck from that kiss Zoey gave him. Once in the water Gwen looks like she might be in trouble from the three hungry sharks but thankfully Zoey comes to the rescue even though she was really doing it for Mike. Gwen and Jo then take off and Mike arrives on shore soon after but before he can get in Courtney finally get out bruised, battered, and defeated. Gwen's key also doesn't fit and Mike and Lindsay arrive as Gwen and Jo leave with Mike pushing the carriage via gondola style while Lindsay is tired from all that walking and pushing. Next to jump Heather and gamer Sam, while the sharks focus on Sam, Heather grabs a key and heads toward the hotel. Heather's key doesn't fit while Sam and Lindsay arrive looking defeated and tired and their key doesn't fit also. And it turn out Lindsay is only here so she can use the money to buy an endless supply of lipgloss I mean seriously I don't even know where Lindsay will put all that lip gloss she would have to buy like an endless supply of purses just so she can hold all that lip gloss.
         Back on the mountain the guys are struggling to get Scott to jump off the cliff the guy is fearless but when it comes to sharks he just won't go there. In the meantime Zoey then dives off the cliff giving the Heroic Hamsters the lead for the first time in the game. While Lightning still struggles to have Scott let go of the rock and into the water they both accidentally bump into the Robot and it goes straight into the water. After the sharks have a hard time chowing down on the robot it eventually explodes and out emerges Alejandro. Yup it turns out he has been locked in that robot suit by Chris after the whole Volcano incident and since Chris was arrested he wasn't able to let Alejandro out but lets face I doubt Chris would have ever let him out. After landing safely on land after exploding from the robot a key just so happen to also explode from the water and land directly in Alejandro's hand because this guy is just that smooth. Alejandro and Jo then arrive at the hotel after Zoey's failed attempt to open the door, Alejandro comes along and just so happens to have the lucky key because he is just that smooth and the Villainous Vultures win the challenge which means the Heroic Hamsters are going into elimination ceremony.

Alejandro(season 3)- Alejandro was a force to be reckoned with during his season on Total Drama and even made it to the final two against Heather but fell into the volcano and was never to be seen again until now. Alejandro is back and he so ready to play and hopefully to woo Heather.

      The elimination ceremony and now it seems the other team gets to see who will get voted off. Then you have Gwen still trying to make nice with Courtney but in all honesty Gwen has to get over that ok she got Duncan fair and square and thats that. But before the ceremony starts Chris asked one winner to volunteer for a "special" reward and of course Lightning quickly volunteered. His prize: to spent the night on boney island with all the the hungry animals the catch well hidden on the island is a McClean invincibility statue and the odds of him finding that statue are slim to none have fun Lightning. Voting time and they have to place an "X" on the picture of the person they want to eliminate. Everyone does their whole secret voting thing while the only votes we see are from Courtney who votes for Lindsay and Lindsay who holds up a picture of Courtney and then proceeds to put an "X" on herself. HaHaha that girl even knows she did wrong in that challenge. So the following heros are safe Sam, Zoey, Mike, Cameron, and Sierra leaving Lindsay and Courtney as the bottom two. Lindsay is on the bottom because of her terrible driving skills and Courtney well because she is the one that let Lindsay drive. In the end Lindsay was sent packing and she couldn't have been happier. So for her departure instead of being catapulted off the island she was swirlyed off of the island. Bye Lindsay say hi to Tyler for us. Well thats it for this episode of Total Drama All Stars tune in for next week for my next recap and look out for more recaps of some of my other favorite tv shows. So I have to ask who are you guy rooting for to win Total Drama All-Stars this season?  

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