Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dancing With the Stars Recap

        Ok so I know this recap is almost a week late but hey school kept me busy and that comes first in my eyes but anyway.We are live (but for me prerecorded) from the dance floor and two things are on my mind going into this episode the first thing how is this elimination going to go down? Will they do it at the start of the show or at the end after the dances are all finished? It would make more sense if they do it at the start of the show that way the eliminated team leaves and the rest do their dances they were scheduled to do that way we aren't voting for an eliminated team. And the other thing on mind mind well thats Brooke I want to know where they are going to put her next in the episode. Well from the look of it the elimination will be happening after all the dances. So lets get to the dances shall we. Will the judges please reveal their scores.

Elizabeth and Val- Dancing the samba. I thought their dance was pretty good and I really liked her dress and Val's shirt was missing some buttons again lol. But the dance with the song went very well nice fluidity.  Praise all around from the judge and rightfully so. Overall Score: 25/30 Total: 49/60

Before the next dance we have Brooke it looks like Brooke is going to everywhere around the ballroom like last week doing random interviews from the contestants.

Christina and Mark- Dancing the Pasadoble. This dance was actually really good despite my feeling toward Mark I always feel his dances are just too crazy sometimes. It was very dark and edgy and I loved it. Bruno thought Christina missed a step and Christina just had to Bruno in his place and shut him up you go girl you tell him but other than that the judges liked the dance. Overall Score: 25/30 Total: 47/60

Bill E. and Emma- Dancing the Jive. So last week Bill felt that the judges were a little two sided when it came to their scores and the comments they made and looking at the clip I have to agree. I mean how are you going to praise someone on their dance and then give them three 6's??? I thought their jive was really fun and upbeat and with their yellow color comb it really brought it to life. The judges loved it as well but lets see if the scores this week lived up to the praise. Three 7's?? ugh at least give them an 8 one is enough. Overall Score: 21/30 Total: 39/60

Jack and Cheryl- Dancing the Rumba. I thought this dance was so beautiful and sensual. We had a very low lit ballroom with some smoke effect which was perfect for the dance. I am very surprised Jack is doing this well he might go pretty far in the competition. Overall Score: 24/30 Total: 47/60

Keyshawn and Sharma- Dancing the Samba. I still felt he was a little stiff but not as stiff as last week. I feel like this guy doesn't really care about the dancing as much like he is not really into it. I did like Sharma's outfit though with that pop of that print underneath so thats a plus right? Overall Score: 18/30 Total: 35/60

Snicole and Sasha- Dancing the Rumba. It was ok, it wasn't as good as last week it, it wasn't sold for me as far as the romantic quality factor and it wasn't very fluid in it movement. But what was up with her outfit it looked like a bathing suit with a cloth wrapped around it. Overall Score: 20/30 Total: 35/60

Leah and Tony- Dancing the Samba. It was very good but I don't know if it was just me but she kinda looked like JLo with the way her hair was styled. But I loved every minute of her dance and so did the judges. Overall Score: 24/30 Total: 35/60

Bill Nye and Thyne- So apparently Bill was a big hit last week with his numerous fans I mean hello its Bill freaking Nye anyone who is everyone has seen this show in their science class at least once. So our favorite scientist was dancing the pasadoble. But before the dance started Tom introduced us to some people from MENSA who was in the audience cheering for Bill. Bill was awesome in this dance he looked like Mozart crazy hair and everything and it went well with his performance I love this guys wacky sense of humor. Very fierce Bill you took all those negative comments from last week and shoved it right back in the judges faces. Overall Score: 17/30 Total: 31/60

Corbin and Karina- Dancing the Jive. Corbin went back to his High School Musical days and was even wearing a baseball uniform that look like the one he wore on High School Musical and Karina looked like Brittany Spears from her Hit Me Baby One More Time music video. In the beginning of the dance Corbin jumped on top of the judges table in a rebellious way which was awesome. The dance itself had a lot of energy and it was very fun to watch. Overall Score: 26/30 Total: 60/50

Valerie and Tristan- Dancing the Pasadoble. First off major props for Valerie for doing this very hardcore dance despite her knee hurting her. The ballroom was lit with this red hue with red flowers on the floor which was a nice touch. It was good despite everything. Overall Score: 19/30 Total: 40/60

Brant and Pita- Dancing the Rumba. That was one hot and steamy dance and in the middle of it Pita took off Brants jacket cause it was just that hot. But Pita's lacy undergarment looked kinda see through to me. Overall Score: 25/30. Total 45/60

Amber and Derek- Dancing the Jive. With Derek coming off his Emmy win and Amber coming off the three 9's from last week these to better not get cocky this week. It was ok I guess I kinda wasn't paying attention because I was too distracted by Amber's makeup and the expressions she kept making with her face. And that pink lipstick has got to go!! Overall Score: 24/30 Total: 51/60

Elimination Time: Brooke is back in the ballroom with Tom after being everywhere else throughout the show. But anyway time to seen who leaves our glittery ballroom.

Safe: Corbin and Karina, Leah and Tony, Bill Nye and Thyne, Christina and Mark, Amber and Derek, Valerie and Tristan, Snicole and Sasha, Jack and Cheryl, Brant and Pita, and Elizabeth and Val

Bottom Two: Keyshawn and Shawna and Bill and Emma with Keyshawn and Shawna getting the boot and rightfully so he kinda wasn't into it as past football players were.

This episode overall was good and a lot of the dances this week were up to par. Also I really love the new elimination process getting it all done in one shot, I really hated it before where they would announce some people safe and then go to commercial and then when they came back some people would do some dance or someone would perform a song the elimination show I felt was always dragged out. But this new process is quick and straight to the point. Well that is it for now and I promise next week's recap won't be this late.  

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