Sunday, September 29, 2013

Castle Recap:Valkyrie Episode

        So Castle begins right where it left off with Castle asking Beckett to marry him. Like OMG I am all for a Caskett wedding but if he is only doing this just so she can stay in NY with him and not take the job in DC then I will be seriously mad. But it turns out he wasn't proposing for that reason cause he really just wanted to be with her whether she got the job or not. Well brace yourself Castle because Kate got to job in DC and she is taking it. This is going to be an interesting test on their relationship now as future husband and wife because Kate said YES to his proposal OMG so excited Casket wedding coming to a t.v. near you. We now jump to two months later in DC watching Kate on a case when suddenly she gets SHOT!!!! This is not happening I mean seriously writers???? But thankfully she is not dead because it was just a training exercise. Thank God because I was about to write a nasty letter to the writers. Back in NY, Castle is returning back from a book tour and there is a big surprise waiting for him. The good news was Alexis was back from Costa Rica a week early the bad news she brought her new hippie boyfriend. I wonder where he is going to be sleeping? Back in DC Kate is excited to finally get a couple of days off to spend with Castle but that excitement is short lived because she just snagged her first real case, sorry Castle guess you have to wait a little long to see Kate. But Castle was not going to wait that long as he makes a surprise visit to see her in DC. But even though Beckett was happy that Castle was there she laid down the law with him by telling him that she can't discuss the case that she is on with him because now her cases are considered to be confidential.
       But before she could leave with her new partner its Cuddy from House but now she is known as agent McCord Kate accidentally drops the classified folder but she doesn't seem to pick up all the photos leaving one behind for Castle to find and with Castle being Castle he investigates. With help from Ryan and Esposito, Castle gets further in the case than Beckett and McCord beating them to the golf course where the thieves made their escape. After Beckett yells at Castle for looking at her classified photo, well Kate that was kinda your fault you should have made sure you picked up all the photos before you left, Castle then tells her all the info that he gathered. Apparently there was a guy in a gold sedan staking out the place just a couple of days ago. Kate has to admit Castle is good at putting pieces together but Castle promised to do no more investigating and you know what he kept his word and since McCord didn't blab about Castle, Kate gets to keep her job. The girls then check out the security footage of the man staking out the golf course turn out the guys name is Jack Bronson a retired Marine soldier. So as the girls head over to his place to arrest his well it turns out he isn't there nope cause he is busy kidnapping Castle at gun point. So as crazy Jack is holding Castle hostage in his car he kept ranting something about Valkyrie and going to "Dream World" whatever that means then he actually goes off to dream world and crashes the car leaving him dead and leaving Castle in trouble with the feds.
         So it seems Castle got some explaining to do with the feds as they begin to grill him to find out what he knows. So after a funny interrogation scene the Feds then can't find any info on Valkyrie but they do find the name of Jack's girlfriend Jeanette Miller now its time to find her. Castle is now back in NY because he just causes too much trouble in DC. Alexis' new boyfriend is very weird making fake steaks out of fruit but he does offer some pretty good advice that Castle should talk to someone about his problems. So its off to police headquarters to talk to his two favorite boys Ryan and Esposito and Esposito tells Castle about Dream World which apparently is a secret military "ghost" base. Back in DC the feds catch Jeanette and question her about Valkyrie but she claims that someone was setting Jack up to have him talk the fall for everything. So Beckett dug a little further and found some more interesting developments with this case in regards to the break in. Castle on the other hand was looking up the ghost base on the internet and claims that he won't get caught until the Feds go to Castle's home and take him back to DC. Uh Oh Turns out the thieves took something else from a lab in the building, a chemical agent the lab techs were working on. The thieves apparently put the toxin in the air vents of Jacks car which is what killed him and since Castle was also in the car the toxin was now in his blood stream and he has less than a day to live. Like OMG are you freaking serious!!!!!!!!! I guess I will be writing that letter to the writers.
       Overall I thought this episode was really good for a season opener but I felt it was really lacking the Esposito and Ryan factor. I really love Ryan and Esposito they add this fun broish partner aspect against Castle and Beckett's romantic partnership. But really a to be continued episode on the season opener???? What's up with that don't you think we were left in suspense for long enough all summer to here if Kate said yes to his proposal or not???? Now they give us an open ending on the season opener I mean we only have to wait a week but still it was so not necessary!!!!

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