Sunday, September 15, 2013

Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure

     So instead of doing an episode recap I decided to do an overall review of a new Netflix original Mako Mermaids: An H2O Adventure which is a spin off of the hit Australian show H20. Now if anyone has seen the original H2O its the story about three girls Emma, Cleo, and Rikki who one day while stranded on a place called Mako Island obtain mermaid powers after they gain these powers they have to deal with the day to day struggles of have to hide their powers from their friends and family all while trying to figure out how to use their powers and figure out how they work. And by season three of the show Emma leaves and in comes Bella a new girl with mermaid powers to complete Cleo and Rikki's circle of three. But when it comes to Mako Mermaids its kind of the same story but with a little twist.
       Mako Mermaids is the story about three mermaids Lyla, Sirena, and Nixie who live on Mako Island with their mermaid pod. They are more of the younger, inexperienced mermaids who still have a lot to learn about their powers and when they are finally experienced enough they will earn their moon ring, a special ring that only an experienced mermaid wears which holds great power and can help a mermaid enhance her powers. During a full moon the mermaid pod of Mako Island has a special full moon ceremony and the three girls were chosen for land patrol to make sure no one goes near Mako Island during the full moon ceremony. But when two land boys Zac and Cam decide to go camping out on Mako on the full moon the girls will soon be in a whirl of trouble. At first things seem to be normal as the ceremony begins but when Zac wanders off on the Island he accidentally discovers a cave, in the cave the pathway leads him to a wall that has a symbol of a trident on it, then all of a sudden the floor disappears from under him and he falls straight into the moon pool where the three girls are at, the girls then panic and quickly get Zac out of the moon pool and back on dry land. But to make sure nothing has happened to him the girl find him on land and watch his movements but to theirs surprise something did happen to Zac he can transform into a merman and has gained powers. Upon hearing this the pod decides to cast out the girls and leave Mako Island leaving the girls behind but as a parting Sirena's sister Aquata gives her her moon ring. So after being casted out by their pod the girls decide they have to find a way to try and to get rid of Zac's powers and get their pod bak, even if that means that they have to go on land to do it. That's when the real adventure begins on this show full of funny plots like the girls trying to walk on land, tridents, mermaid battles, and even a little romance. But the question is will the girls complete their mission and get their pod back or will they be stuck on land for the rest of their lives?
      When I first saw this show in my Netflix recommended shows list I was a little taken back by it I didn't know if I should feel excited that their was a new H2O type show or if I should not like it because it didn't have to original girls that I know and love. But I decided to give this show a chance and I am really glad that I did because I am in love with the show. I think it is a very clever show with a good story line and the whole addition of a merman I think brings an exciting element to the show. Now one thing I would recommend if you are going to see this show DON'T COMPARE IT TO THE ORIGINAL H2O SERIES!!! This show is a spin-off of the original sure it has the same ideas like the whole human turning into a mermaid and having to hide it from their friends and family and it does have mermaids with these powers to control water and the weather but it is nothing like the original. Instead of three human girls you have one human boy and three mermaids and I think its a really smart choice for a spin-off series to have these three girls who are mermaids who know nothing about land and having to watch them adjust on land and learn the ways of a land dweller was pretty funny to watch and then to throw in a human boy who becomes a merman and is trying to figure out how this happened and why this happened was nice its like the roles were reversed in a way and I loved it. But if people go into the show automatically comparing it to the original series they will never give this show a chance and will start to nitpick at different things at why they don't like this show and I for one feel this show deserves at chance as its own series and not be compared to the original because this really is a good show. The actors in it are wonderful, the storyline is good in each episode and the plot line is very good and overall I give this show 5 stars for giving the H2O audience that same feel of H2O but with a whole new plot twist. I would highly recommend this to any fan of the original H2O you will love this as much as the original. And its from the same guy that brought you the original so where can you go wrong? I can't wait for season 2!!!!  

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